
Are you on the right track?

We felt like we were on the right track this morning. We woke up, exercised, had breakfast, got ready for work. Then we went to the office, had meetings, knock out some paperwork, closed some sales. All in all I would say that this has been a very productive day.

We could have spent our day differently. We could just lay around on the couch watching movies all day. Or we could spend all day in the gym. In fact, I could think of other far more enjoyable ways to spend the day other than working. But we stuck to the plan, went to work and got busy. For our efforts, we were able to close some sales, there’s also less paperwork to finish the next day. And I am closer than ever to my goal. This goes to show that when you have the right markers along the way to guide you – you stay on the right track.

Every now and then you need to reevaluate yourself. How closer are you to your goals? Did you veer off-course or are you still on the same lane? We’ve just finished the first half of the year. It’s a great opportunity now to stop – reassess to see if you’re on the right track. What have you done for the last six months?


The four questions we go through when we are reviewing our goals are:

  1. What’s been working?
  2. What are some of your wins?
  3. What hasn’t been working? What’s been your challenges and setbacks?
  4. What are the key lessons you’ve learned from the first half of the year? And what do you need to be doing for the next half of the year?


I’ll leave you with this:

Sometimes when you’re actually out there in the bush, things come up and you need to deal with it. And it’s about being resourceful out in the bush.

And that is something to ponder on. When the rubber hits the road and when things come up – will they throw you out of your momentum or will it help you refocus?

Don’t let minor setbacks derail you. Stay on course and keep your eyes on the prize. If you slacked off during the last six months, now is the time to make up for it.

Get on the right track.