
“Always hold fast to the present. Every situation, indeed every moment, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity.”

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

For a while now we have been hearing this trend of being mindful or being present in all facets of our life. However, this is more than just a trend or a lifestyle, it is a necessity if you want to become a more effective leader as well as become a better person. First things first, what is being present? Being present just means being focused and engaged in the here and now. It means focusing your energy on what’s happening in the present moment without being distracted by what occurred in the past or worried about what could possibly happen in the future. It’s about living in the moment and making the most of it. Yes, learning from the past and planning for the future are great life strategies but so is being present. You can do so much in the present. Make the most of it.

How do you want your leadership style to affect your business and your team? I’m guessing you want your employees to become more effective, productive, and happy. It just makes sense since employees with those qualities translate to how successful and competitive your company would be. As a leader, being present influences those around you to have those positive qualities. So how do you become more present?

Be Grounded

Loren Shuster, Chief People Officer at Lego, has a great routine before every meeting or presentation. According to Loren, he grounds himself by focusing on his body and imagining every part of him alive and full of energy. This allows him to actively listen and respect others’ views and opinions. This also helps him tap into his creative side as well as find solutions to problems. This is a good exercise or routine that you can try out for yourself. It only takes around five minutes but is very effective at making you be in the present.

Plan To Be Present

What does it mean to plan to be present? It’s as simple as making time for your employees. Schedule regular team meetings or even better, one-on-one meetings. Chat about any concerns they might have or upcoming projects. Remember, conducting the meeting is only half of it. Make sure to prepare yourself by getting rid of distractions and making sure you have enough time for them. Not only does this encourage them to follow your example of being in the present but also strengthens communication and engagement.