
Now that all the craziness of the holidays have died down, I’d like to talk about an interesting subject – pressure.

Where is the pressure coming from?

Now, you must have experienced going to shops and people are pushing. The prams, and you’re pushing the trolleys, and it’s just absolutely crazy sometimes. And it’s like – “where’s this pressure all coming from? Where’s all this stress coming from?”

It’s really an interesting opportunity just to take yourselves out of the situation and go – “Wow! Am I buying into this pressure?” And is this pressure or stress – whatever you want to call it – is it an external part?

Is it the people around you? Family? Is it friends – wanted to catch up. Wanted to do this, wanted to do that. You know, the pressure of – got to get presents, I got to do this, I got to do that.

Or is it an internal pressure? Is it the internal pressure of your own internal expectations? Is it the internal pressure of your own beliefs, patterns that you’re playing out?

And particularly within your business environment. What pressure are you putting on yourself or what pressure are you thinking is coming from an external component?

How do I lessen the pressure?

It’s always good to just stop and realize where’s this pressure coming from. Where’s this stress coming from? Is it internal? Is it something you’re putting on yourself?

Or is it external that you’re taking on?

And a good little strategy to actually just go – Wow! It’s just a stop. It’s just a (deep breath). Take that deep breath and go – alright, let’s just have a bit of a time-out here.

What am I feeling? How am I feeling? Where’s this feeling coming from?

Give yourself time to stop and realize what is really happening. You can control the pressure by just taking a couple of deep breaths and giving yourself time to analyse the situation.

Ask yourself some good, key, quality questions. Identify where the pressure is coming from. Then let it go. Do not let yourself get consumed by worries. Just have a laugh. Just have a joke.

So if you feel stressed or pressured today, stop, and think. Where’s this pressure coming from? Is it internally or is it externally? Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself some good, quality questions, and remember, don’t buy into it!

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.