
How to Attract a Winning Team

By excellence, Goals, management, Success

There are three (3) points I want to share with you today on how to attract a winning team.

I’ve just started a 15-point checklist recently on how to attract the winning a team – and these are the three (3) points from that checklist.

However, what I’ve noticed before we get into those three (3) points is, so often we have a clear marketing plan or growth plan to attract new clients.

But what’s your plan to attract that winning team? What’s your plan to attract the right type of people into your organization or into your business?

It takes time, it takes focus and it takes a proper plan to really create that process to make you an attraction-based business.

When we get these stuff right, what happens is that you’ll have people inquire: do you have any roles? Do you have any job openings?

And this process take the pressure out of, you know, if someone decides to leave, or you’re growing and you need someone quickly. It takes that pressure of actually trying to find someone.

Recognize Your Team’s Efforts Publicly

The first one is to publicly recognize your team. This could be a personal achievement they’ve had, a win at work, whatever it is.

Recognize your team members, your current team members, for the amazing work but also recognize them on a public forum: if it’s social media, if it’s an announcement to your database, whatever it is.

That works on two (2) fronts: one, it’s a social proof that you recognize your team members and it’s actually getting the message out there to the wider audience.

But more importantly, is to recognize your current team members of their hard work, dedication and their results.

Share Team Events

Point number two is that, actually share your team events. Now, team events is a great way to build and have a great bond within your organization, within your company.

It’s great to really solidify the relationships and really harness the relationships that have already happening within your organization.

But when you share that with the wider world, what that enables you to do is to make a statement to the world – “This is how we recognize the team. This is how we give back to the team. Look at the fun we are having within our organization.

And what that enables you to do is to share your message out there to the wider audience.

Conduct Business Awards

Lastly, business awards.

Now, sometimes people go – “Ah, you know, it’s this and that” – but you know what, business awards work. Based on the marketing side of attraction of new clients but also for the attraction of new team members.

Because there’s usually components in those business awards that you have to talk about your team, your success, your journey, your vision. And that, you can then communicate that to the world.

People like to be part of something that means something. Therefore, if you become a finalist, or if you win business awards – people like to be attracted to that as well.

So there are three (3) key points for today are:

  1. Recognize your current publicly.
  2. Share your team events to the wider world.
  3. Get in, and apply for your business awards.

So there you go! Post your comments and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

People Plan: Setting Values and Achieving Goals

By Human resources, excellence, Goals, management

I want to go through a couple of different tips and strategies to really help you grow your business particularly coming through your people.

We talk about PEOPLE PLAN.

So often, I see businesses have set their marketing plans, they set their growth strategies; but usually they don’t have a people plan to support that.

We are off and well-focused on actually attracting and trying to get more clients and more customers, but what do we have in relation to a people plan?

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How To Get Your Team To Work Smarter

By Attitude, Blogpost, excellence, mindset

If you want to truly work smarter instead of harder, and move your business forward, you have to know your own strengths, the strengths of each teammate, and play to those strengths.

A profitable business relies on its people, and the best way to get the best out of everyone is to think about what people COULD be doing instead of just what they SHOULD be doing.

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Being your best

By Blogpost, excellence

Are you being your best, and living your best life? You can, with a commitment to personal excellence.

But that can seem like a tall order (who has all the answers?), so let’s start with some simple questions to ask yourself.

“The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions.” – John Simone

I recommend taking some time to answer these questions because they will quickly get you to the core of who you are and why you’re here. Who you are, and why you’re here, are the keys to a happy, fulfilled and purposeful life. When you know the answers, personal excellence becomes a part of you. It becomes important because without personal excellence, you cannot be who you are meant to be or do what you are meant to do…

Many people walk around in an unconscious sleepwalking state, unaware of who they really are, living day to day with no direction or purpose. They are not really living – they are existing. But is that what you’re here to do? Are you a sleepwalker, or are you awakening from your slumber?

Signs of being a sleepwalker:

  • you are not aware of the big picture
  • you are not in alignment with your purpose
  • you allow your life to run on auto
  • you engage in non-value-added activities (“killing time”)
  • you are passive (playing the victim) or engage in avoidance
  • you have difficulty finding time to do things you love
  • you are not aware of your thoughts and emotions and how they can control you
  • you lack motivation or ambition

More than likely, you exhibit some of these traits but I suspect if you are reading this, then you already have an awareness that there is something more to life. So before you do anything else, grab some paper and pen and find out who you are and why you’re here.

Ready? Take the time to write down everything you can think of for each answer. Please do not edit what you wrote or skip ahead. Take them systematically one at a time.

  • If you had one year left to live, what would you do?
  • If you had one month left to live, what would you do?
  • If you have one week left to live, what would you do?
  • If you had one day left to live, what would you do?
  • If you had one hour left to live, what would you do?
  • If you had one minute left to live, what would you do?

The answers to these questions provide clarity on your purpose, and will guide you on your road to personal excellence. They will give you motivation to act on your priorities.

It takes a certain amount of courage to answer these honestly! It’s tempting to answer with things that you think you should do, things that other people deem important (for example, a popular “must do” on many people’s list is to travel to…). But if you have other priorities, then putting “visit the Great Wall” is not honoring who you are!

Don’t be afraid or ashamed to list what YOU WANT. If you can’t be truthful with yourself about what you want, you cannot live the life you’re meant to live.

Once you’ve identified your “who” and “why”, you will know what you need to improve in yourself in order to achieve them.


Adapted from various entries on the Personal Excellence Blog by Celestine Chua, celstinechua.com