
Key Leadership Qualities

By Blogpost, challenges, Entrepreneurship, excellence, Goals, inspirations, Leadership, management, mindset, Success

A leader’s job is mostly about managing people, and a good business owner should also be a good leader. He or she should be able to effectively connect with his or her employees and be able to lead them down the correct path to achieve the company’s goals. The business owner might have great ideas and the passion to succeed but if the team or the staff are not willing to follow then the business won’t go far. As mentioned in my previous article, your top sales guy might not be a good leader. This also applies to business owners.

Running a company does not only mean implementing brilliant ideas and having the passion to run it. Managing people is also an integral part in running a company. Your staff is what keeps your business running on a daily basis. As the business owner, your staff looks up to you for guidance. Weak leadership can lead a company to ruin while a strong one leads to success. Just like implementing a leadership development plan for an employee, as a leader yourself, you can look to working on your own leadership skills to be able to properly connect with your team and efficiently run your business.


A leader should foster open communication with the team. Your staff or employees are the front liners of your business and they see things that are not seen by the upper management. You need that valuable information to be able to properly plan things out for your business. Allow your staff to speak out to gain insight at the base level. When communicating with the team, be as honest and clear as possible. This will help you gain their trust and confidence which in turn would also encourage them to be just as honest and clear with you. The key here is that excellent communication allows you to gain valuable information from the front line.

Live What You Preach

One great way of connecting with your team is to have strong ethics and living by them. This is all about earning your team’s respect. You can talk all day about doing the right things – but you need to walk the talk, and your subordinates will follow your example. Once you have their respect, they will stand by your every business decision. The less second guessing on every decision, the better chances of positive results.

Ask For Advice

It does not matter how well you know the industry, change is constant in business. Set your ego aside. You do not know everything. Ask for advice if you are not sure of something. Great leaders are always willing to learn new things and the easiest way to learn is to learn to ask questions.

Developing Leaders In Your Company

By Blogpost, challenges, Entrepreneurship, excellence, Goals, Human resources, Leadership, management, opportunities, purpose

As your business grows, you need to hire new people to sustain that growth. You need to build new teams or departments to handle the specific areas of the business. The hiring process itself can be challenging. This is especially true if you are looking for leaders to manage the teams. The hiring process when it comes to looking for leaders or managers can be more tedious compared to the hiring process for regular employees. This is because managers have bigger responsibilities within the company. They are responsible for the people under them and have to answer to the people above them.

To save time and resources, one approach that you can take is to hire within the company. The ability to hire homegrown talent can give your company that competitive edge in the market. But you just can’t give anyone the responsibilities of a manager or a leader. Most employees are often promoted because of their excellent performance with their jobs and not their leadership skills. What I’m saying is – your top sales guy might not be a good leader.

Recognize Potential

Keep on the lookout for individuals who go the extra mile. Leaders want to see how far they can go. Push people out of their comfort zones and see who will stand out. Great leaders can adapt to any situation and would still succeed or make the best out of the given situation. Do not forget to observe beyond their job related skills. Observe their behaviours and attitudes. Do they have the right mindset to manage a team? Do their colleagues look to them for advice? How are their people skills? If you can see the potential then you are on your way to finding a homegrown leader.

Opportunities for Development

If you are looking to grow your business, having a leadership development plan as part of your strategy is a good idea. A leadership development plan does not only involve training but hands on experience. Giving out challenging tasks and rotating jobs can help develop skills, improve confidence and will give a deeper insight into your business and your business goals. Get this plan started as early as possible because you’ll never know when you might need someone to manage a team.


As a leader yourself, impart your knowledge, values and experiences to the potential leaders in your organisation. Since they are part of your company, that knowledge will not go to waste and would not only benefit them, but also your business. Think of this as another type of investment. But remember, as the leader and the business owner, live what you preach and be honest when interacting your team.

Challenges to New Team Members

By Attitude, Blogpost, challenges, Entrepreneurship, excellence, Food for thought, Goals, Human resources, Leadership, management, stress, Success

You have now successfully hired new team members to your organisation. The team is ready to take the journey with you to achieve your business goals. Everyone is onboard and have a clear understanding of your company’s mission and vision. Morale is high and everyone is pumped up. Everything looks perfect and good to go.

But is it really? Even with a tried and tested onboarding process, new staff members can experience problems in the first few weeks of working in your company. As time goes on, it is very unlikely that they will speak up about the challenges and issues that they are facing. This can lead to further problems that might affect their productivity and the business as a whole. As a leader and business owner, you can watch out of for these things and hopefully resolve them as soon as possible.

Adjustment to Relocation

Some of your new hires might have relocated from another city or even from another country to work for your company. They might have brought their families with them. This can cause issues especially if they are unfamiliar with the new location. Despite this being a personal issue, it might negatively affect their work. They might even start to rethink if they made the right decision.

One way of handling this is simply through communication. Your HR can schedule a meeting with the employee and come up with suggestions to resolve the issue or at least lessen the burden of the problem. They can also have them talk to another employee who had gone through the same issue so they can get advice and share their experiences.

Managerial Issues

It can be common for new employees to not be able to form a good relationship with their managers. This can be due to conflicting ideas, or the managerial style not fitting the employee’s style.

Once signs of this problem come up, it is best to have your HR or your onboarding department to get in touch with the employee. It’s important to get to the root of the problem and smooth things out. They could advise the employee and manager to stay in touch regularly so they can get a feel for each other’s way of doing things. It all comes down to understanding and working as a team.

Expectations and Results

Sometimes, new employees tend to take on too much too quickly. This is done to hopefully impress their supervisors or co-workers without knowing that this can lead to unnecessary overload and eventually burning out.

Regularly remind everyone in your organisation to take on reasonable expectations. Trying to achieve impossible expectations can be stressful and is counterproductive in the long run.

Getting High Performers to Come to You

By Attitude, challenges, Entrepreneurship, excellence, Goals, Human resources, Leadership, management, opportunities, Success

The performance of your team members is one the pillars of a successful business. You may already have a huge market and a solid business plan in place to reach your business goals but without a good team behind you, the journey will be harder than it should be. Having a competitive team is essential if you want to stay ahead of the competition and create opportunities for further growth.

A high performing talent can have a positive impact and facilitate growth in your business, but we all know that getting those individuals to join your team is not an easy task. As a business owner, one thing that you can do is to make your company enticing to these high performers.

Team Leaders

Make it clear that you are looking for leaders. High performing individuals tend to be natural leaders and will see this as a challenge. They will assume that you are hiring them to facilitate growth and make positive changes in your company. Empowering them will allow these talents to shine and to step up to every challenge. This will foster an environment where leadership tasks are driven by the team members which can be an advantage when it comes to quick and efficient decision making.


High performers know what their worth is. They know that whenever they are in business, positive things tend to happen. These individuals are not looking for the standard compensation packages like salaries, bonuses and benefits. They already know that they can get those at a competitive rate. As a business owner, offer up a financial partnership with them. Build a compensation plan that will show them that you want to share the value and wealth that they will create by being a part of your company. Being considered as a partner will encourage them to bring out their best, knowing it will also benefit them.


High performers are always on the lookout for organisations that know how to succeed and is always expected to succeed. A culture of confidence within the company means that the company has seen multiple successes in their line of business.

Business awards, or recognition received by the company showing that it is a leader in the industry will make it more attractive to high performing employees. These companies are expected by the employees to succeed and grow because it has done so time and again. Company growth means that employees also have opportunities to grow and develop their career.

Interviewing Potential New Hires

By Attitude, Blogpost, challenges, Entrepreneurship, excellence, Goals, Human resources, Leadership, management, Success

Expanding your business means hiring new employees to fill up different job positions. You need professionals who are competent and have the drive to achieve your company’s goals. You, or your company’s human resource department may start posting online for available job positions.

Once you start receiving those job applications, you can start narrowing down the applicants based on their experience, qualifications and skills. How do you correctly select who shares your vision and passion? How do you know who has the talent to take your business to the next level? This is where the importance of interviewing applicants come into play.

Through a job interview you will be able to assess a candidate’s experience, skills and mindset on the job that he is applying for. This will allow you to know the potential employee on a personal basis. If that person does not work well with a team or has a questionable attitude, skills and experience mean nothing. Some companies are moving toward favoring test scores in the employee selection process. However, most still rely on the good, old-fashioned way. So how do you conduct a proper job interview?

Prepare a List

Whether you have an interview team or you are doing it solo, make sure to prepare a list of the skills, experience, qualities and knowledge that you are looking for in an employee. Using this list, come up with questions to be able to efficiently gather the necessary information on each applicant. If you have an interview team, make sure that they understand their role in the applicant assessment process.

Legal Job Interview Questions

In a job interview, not everything is up for discussion. Ask legal interview questions that will highlight their strengths and weaknesses pertaining to the job that they are applying for. Avoid illegal job interview questions that could make you a target for a lawsuit. Questions about their marital status or if they plan to have or already have children should be avoided.

Relaxed Atmosphere

A friendly handshake in an onsite interview or a friendly greeting in a phone interview can go a long way. Establish a connection with the applicant to make him or her comfortable during the interview. A relaxed applicant would be able to provide you with accurate information that you need during the selection process. This will allow you to gauge their personalities and attitudes and make a decision if they are a good fit for your team.

Lessons for the Week: Finding Your Genius

By Blogpost, excellence, Goals, inspirations, mindset, purpose

In our team, we go through a cool little sequence. We also did a conference recently to review the year by going through reviewing the four (4) debriefing questions:

  • What’s worked?
  • What hasn’t worked?
  • What’s been some of the lessons?
  • And what do we need to be doing differently?

And when we can look at the week like that, we can sort of stop and reflect how the week has been and what do we need to be doing differently next week.

We had a great week here in the Tribe. We’ve had some huge lessons along the way, and this week we’re starting out strong. This is where I want to segway into becoming the rippling effect.

The Rippling Effect of Finding your Genius

Sometimes, we can be out there and in the trenches and going, and going, and going. We don’t realize the impact that we’re having or the effect that we’re having out there in the bigger world.

Sometimes we are feeling that, you know, we’re slogging away. We’ve got our goals we are working towards but isn’t really happening.

And I talked a lot about your genius, and I talk about a lot around finding that genius.

Finding what really lights you up. Finding those elements in your work, in your business, in your life – that you know, when you pursue it, when you’re actually in it, it’s easy.

It’s a breeze. It flows. Lights you up. Makes you feel good. You feel passion. You feel energized when you’re doing it.

And I think, when you find your genius, the rippling effect that it has out there in the wider world is huge. Because we’re all energy right!? It’s an energy thing out there in the world.

When you find your genius – that sends a vibration out there in the world.

I want to share with you a little story, we’ve had some great wins within the business for us over this last week. But one of the biggest wins was getting home one night and receiving a message from a young man whom I’ve known for 12 or 13 years.

And just the impact on these videos, you know, the Monday Magic Moments and the Finish it Fridays are having in his world and in his life.

To watch this boy develop into this young man, and to receive this message on the impact that these videos and these messages, and the learning and the lessons has had on him – really, struck a cord in the heart, as you can see.

It really goes to show that you don’t know who is watching. You don’t know what the impact that you’re truly having in the world when you are in your genius. You don’t realize the impact that you have on others. Both good and bad, right!?

Stay True to Your Genius

So, my message today is, stay true to your genius. Find your genius and stay true to your genius, and watch the rippling effect. Because you touch many lives out there.

And the more lives that you can touch, the bigger impact that you’ll have for yourself personally. And more importantly for those out there, and the community as a whole.

The Value of Teamwork

By Blogpost, excellence, Goals, inspirations, management, opportunities, Success

How has your 2018 been? And what has been some of your wins and some of your lessons throughout the first week of the 2019? I’d love to hear from you. What have been some of your wins? What have been some of your lessons?

This is a great opportunity as we welcome another year – having a review of the week, the month, the quarter, the year of what’s been some of your wins and some of your lessons.

I was in the Philippines last December where I spent four, five days with the whole team over there, just to really start to map out the year. It was an honor and a privilege. I also took my daughter and introduced her to the team. And I think, I found my succession plan.

She had the opportunity to present in front of our team and really embracing it. Also, the shopping – she loves the shopping over there. Oh my goodness! Next level.

But it was a good opportunity to spend some quality time with her, just a daddy-daughter time. And really honored – it’s a privileged to have that opportunity.

The Power of Team

One of the things, and biggest lessons that we learned was the power of team – and power of enrolling the team.

We arrived – the team have already started their strategy session on a Saturday, we arrived Saturday night. And we got into the team meeting on a Sunday. And I walked into the room and they said, “Just to let you know, we’ve already mapped out the next six months for you.”

I was like, “Alright!? Cool.” And what the most amazing thing was, when we reviewed what they had gone through the day before – I had done some previous planning up until, for this time together. It was exactly the same as I had mapped out – they didn’t know this that I had mapped out previously on what they had mapped out the day before.

And so, that was the biggest lesson for me is – Wow! We’ve got an amazing team. So aligned and so on the same page where they’ve been working on the sideline and I’ve been, you know, getting some planning down – coming together and we’re all on the same page.

Once again huge win and huge lesson. So, what are some of your wins? What are some of your lessons?

Hopefully you got to take some time out over the holidays and just had fun, spent quality time with love ones, spent some time with friends and family – and reflected on 2018. And now, start thinking about what 2019 looks like.

So, there we go! Let’s all make 2019 bigger, better and brighter.

Creating a Genius Method vs. Job Description

By management, excellence, Goals, mindset

I attended the referral marketing course with the legend himself, Michael Griffiths, a few weeks ago and I’d like to share some of the key lessons and learnings that I picked up after the course.

In our businesses, in our organisation, we have created positions, and job description. And while it tells what each of us should be doing, what it does is it boxes and categorizes everyone. It’s called job description.

Job description tells us what we should do, but it does not explain why we should be doing these things. It does not clearly show where and how important our contributions are to the team and to keep the business running.

When we are categorized and boxed in, the job description becomes the goal and the measure of our performance. What happens is – we fail to spot other opportunities, other avenues where we could contribute to the business.

There are times when our skills and abilities make us capable of handling more than what is on our job description, but because we are placed in a category where the job description becomes our end goal and our unit of measure, we lose the opportunity to contribute more.

We’ve just shot an awesome little video in our group called the Real Estate Tribe, and it’s all about creating your genius within your team. I say, throw away your job descriptions. Throw away those boring job descriptions that you have within your companies. Because, you know what? Really, they don’t work.

It’s about creating the genius method within those roles to ensure that there’s accountability, to ensure that you’ve actually got the right team members onboard first, and ensuring that everyone’s clearly knows what’s happening and why’s it happening – and they’re accountable to what’s happening.

So, I’d love to share that video to you. If you want a copy of the video, just simply type in “TRIBE” below and I’ll send you an invite to the Real Estate Tribe so you can watch the full version of that video.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to hear your thoughts. I’d love to hear what’s been happening. What are your key lessons and what are your key wins that you want to share for this week? Have you had a good week? Or are you still trying to swim through the rest of the week?

So, there we go! Comment below, share your thought and let’s see how we can help each other.

The Power of Outsourcing

By Blogpost, excellence, Goals, management

Today I want to share about the power of outsourcing.

What is outsourcing?

By definition, outsourcing is the practice of having certain job functions done outside a company instead of having an in-house department or employee handle them; functions can be outsourced to either a company or an individual.

We’ve been outsourcing now for a number of years and we’ve got an amazing team. We’ve got about ten on our team that we outsource and work closely with.

Just this morning we had our team meeting which is pretty cool, when you got people around the world jumping on and finding out the wins of week – what’s working and how we can improve the business.

So, it’s a powerful opportunity – OUTSOURCING.

What I find is that, people obviously want to outsource and they want to increase their profitability, increase their cash flow. And also, just get rid of all that stuff.

So, we know that there’s a need. And we know that outsourcing needs are just going through the roof. The scales and numbers of the infiltration of outsourcing – the power of outsourcing is quite phenomenal.

But how do you do it? What are the steps? What’s the process?

How do we go in and not be burned and how do we actually really get great work done?

Outsourcing as a Powerful Opportunity

So here’s a little thing. I’ve got a little webinar and it’s a training webinar to take you through the seven (7) steps of outsourcing to really show you how to scale, profit and really leverage your team through outsourcing.

So if you want to jump on, all you really need to do is just type in below “I’M IN.” And I’ll send you the link to register for the training webinar.

Because the reason being is, if I could show you the ways to really work on your own genius and outsource the rest – the profitability is huge. You will learn to focus on the things that you love, so therefore you can start to generate more things. And you can start to dish off and delegate everything else.

And I know that we’re working with our clients when I actually get to do this – the revenue goes up. The profitability goes up. They save more.

The team actually enjoys more because they are not bugged down into the day to day stuff.

So I’m going to take you through the seven (7) steps to outsourcing. Simply comment below “I’M IN,” and I will send you through the details.

There you go! The power of outsourcing to really help you scale, become more profitable and leverage your team.

What is Your Genius?

By Attitude, Blogpost, excellence, mindset

Let’s take another opportunity this week to just share some little tips and tickles that we’ve learned along the way. Some little, but valuable techniques and strategies to help you have a winning week.

So today, I want to talk about your genius. What’s your genius?

“Ooh…good questions James, good question.”

The genius is something that enables you to maintain your flow. It enables you to really, start to attract things in your life.

There are so many times when we are actually pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing things – and it doesn’t stick. It’s frustrating, it gets you overwhelmed, and it gets you stuck.

By actually identifying what your genius is, and sticking to your genius enables you to flow more – it enables you to attract more things into your life.

So, I’d like to ask you – and something for you to reflect on: What is your genius?

Remember, genius are things that you love to do. It fills you up when you’re doing it. It enables you to really stay true to who you are and your passion – and how you deliver that passion.

One thing that – it’s all well and good in saying – but how do we actually measure it? How do we actually ensure that you’ll actually stick to it?

Identify your Genius

The thing I would like to recommend is, and this is what I do in a weekly basis which also works with a lot of my clients is – firstly, to identify what your genius is and look at where the gaps in your business that you need other people to actually fulfill that genius.

Once you identified that, you can start to look at the following as well:

  • What is the mission?
  • What are the outcomes?
  • What’s the competencies of that genius that you need to have within your business?

By measuring each week in the number of hours of the times you spent in your genius will enable you to check – are you on flow or are you actually out of flow?

And then, looking at them and reviewing your week, each and every week – are you on track or aren’t you on track?

So, by going through the FOUR debriefing questions of (1) What’s not working? (2) What’s working? (3) What are my key lessons? (4) And what do I need to be doing differently? – will enable you to really take note of – are you in flow or out of flow? Are you staying true to your genius or you’re out of your genius?

“What is your genius?” What makes you flow? Things that makes you just light up inside in relation to your work context?

I’d love to hear and find out from you guys today. Comment and share below.