
It’s another opportunity to start our week right.

Nice and wet outside, but hey, it doesn’t hold you back from achieving what you want to achieve for the week.

So, we have the opportunity to really start the week fresh. Start the week with some excitement. Start the week with some clarity, direction and some focus.

Motivation is NOT Enough

So I often I hear – “Yeah, I just want to be motivated. I just want to get more motivation. I just want have someone motivate me.”

All well and good! You know you can watch the videos, you can listen to the music, you can listen to the personal development stuff – but that’s going to give you a quick fix.

Those things can only give you a little electric shock. That’s going to give you the little thing that’s gonna jump start you. But that’s not enough to keep you going.

Coming up tomorrow, we have what we call out GoalsTribe Intensive which will bring all our clients together for two days to work on themselves and also on their business. To really get re-focus, re-strategize and really get clarity of where the next quarter needs to be.

What comes after Motivation?

What happens is that the motivation where they get really excited to come to this event is fantastic – they leave really pumped. But what happens next is so crucial, and there are two components in relations to utilizing that motivation and how do you actually make it everlasting. And there are two key components.

One is obviously having really clear goals that you actually working towards. That will enable you to maintain your motivation.

What are your goals? Are they specific? Are they measurable? Are they attainable? Are they relevant? Are they time orientated?

We know the SMART principle! That’s one component.

And the other component is, are they compelling enough? – “What is your why?”

When we have the clear, concise goals and we have the why – that is going to maintain the motivation. That’s going to maintain our drive. That’s going to maintain us moving forward to actually achieving what we want to achieve.

That’s why motivation is not enough, but having clear, concise goals and having your why – enables you to really instill that motivation day in and day out.

There we go! Love to hear what your goals are maybe? Or what is your why?

Love to hear! Comment below and looking forward to speaking to you soon.