
Hey guys! Hope you are well. So, what’s been some of your wins? What’s been some of your lessons over this last week? Today I just realized something very important – opportunities are everywhere.

I am on my way back from a client meeting, heading back to the office and I thought I’d share my experience with you. When you start off your day you’ll never know who you meet. You’ll never know who you come across.

Recognize and Acknowledge Good Opportunities

I’ll give you a little example. On the way to a client meeting in the city, I called an Uber and I started chatting away – chatting away, lovely guy. And he started saying, “what do you do? Who do you help?”

We were about, you know, all the different things that I’ve been doing and who I’m helping – and guys, you know what? I think he’s someone I might need.

I said, “Okay, so tell me a bit about you.” And the next thing he’s telling me this whole story of coming from India and so forth. And he’s a structural engineer but he’s got a company set up, and he’s got all these other business partners.

The next minute, we had this amazing conversation, and he goes – “look me up on LinkedIn. Let’s continue the conversation.”

And I thought to myself as I got out the Uber, it’s just, you’ll never know. You’ll never know who comes across your path. You will never know who you gonna meet. You’ll never know what the next step is.

We Should Learn to Recognize the Opportunities

Yes, we can do the planning. Yes, we can do our goals but when we actually stop and we actually be present – and be present with ourselves and be present with other people, opportunities come up.

And so, those opportunities are everywhere. You just have to know when to recognize the opportunities for what they are.

Most of the time they come unexpectedly. They can be circumstances that you did not expect, or people that you did not expect to meet – like that Uber driver.

You just have to be present, and conscious enough to know when you come across these opportunities, so you can use them to your advantage. Even situations that are less than ideal can be turned into an opportunity.

So, I’d love to hear – what’s some of those little stories you may have had over the past couple of years. And, what’s been some of your wins and lessons throughout this week?

So, there we go! You’ll never know who you gonna run into.