
Every time the week ends, it’s a great opportunity for me to review the week, and use these realizations to help me face the next week with a fresh mindset.

So, what’s been happening? What’s been some of the wins, some successes, some lessons along the way? Here in Sydney town, it’s a beautiful sunny day out there today. It’s sweltering hot! Hopefully you’ve got the beach and cool off throughout the day.

Again, this is a great way to review the week. What’s been some of the wins? What’s been some of the lessons? Love to hear those wins and those lessons. Comment below, and yeah, let’s see how you’ve gone.

Lesson 1: Keep Challenging Yourself

Now, looking at a good lesson from this morning’s training session. I’m training up for our next event, which is coming up in February, which is the Tarawera Ultra Marathon. It’s a 100k in Rotorua in New Zealand, and that’s in February.

So, training up and back on the stairs, Coogee death stairs – so to speak. It’s about 200 plus stairs there, and I’m training with this mate this morning.

As I was doing 10 steps and was up to my 9th set – about to stop on my 10th – and I suddenly noticed that he has just got on to his 4th of his set. Anyway, he’s obviously gone through some ups and downs at the moment, through some challenges.

Instinctively, I looked back at him and said, “Mate, alright! Last set! Here are the rules. There’s no walking and we’ve got to go to the top. And you got to lead the way.

And he goes, “Yeah! You’re on.

Then I said, “If we walk, we’re going to do another set.

He goes, “DONE!

Then, what happened was, in previous set – I’ve gone halfway and have a little bit of walk, and go again, and so forth, and so forth. This last set was a game changer. What happened was that he obviously made through that whole 200 plus stairs without walking, and he lead the way.

And I said, “What a great metaphor in life.

  1. You knew the rules that you need to be playing by.
  2. You finished it and you completed it to the end.
  3. There was no walking, you jogged it all the way.
  4. You led the pack.

Lesson 2: Learn from Your Challenges

I finally said to him, take those lessons now into your day, into your week – and watch what happens. And now, this is where exercise can draw upon so many amazing lessons that we can utilize in our own life.

You know, that little self-talk that the challenges, you know – working by yourself or working with your mate, or working in a group. Always different components, we can take a lot of those lessons into your day to day, into your business life.

So there we go, some lessons learned from training this morning. What’s been some of your wins? What’s been some of your lessons?

Love to hear your thought. Please comment below and looking forward to speaking to your soon.