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Your Success Team

By Blogpost, Success

In my years of studying personal development, wealth building and business management, I’ve become a firm believer in Success Teams. What is a “Success Team?” and why is it so important? Why should you build a Success Team rather than going at it on your own? And who are these people?

I think the simplest answer is found in the people in your life. Look around. How many of them truly support your goals and offer unconditional support and encouragement? How many of them push their own limited viewpoints on you? How many of them instill doubt in you? How many of them hold you accountable? How many of them poke fun at your goal or say “you can’t?” How many of them say “you can do anything you want to do” but you intuitively sense the doubt they’re projecting?

It is worthwhile to take note of the level of support you receive from the people in your life, because it will likely make you think about finding people who don’t pass judgment, who don’t preach negativity, who don’t make you feel guilty, who don’t say “you can’t”… As loving and well-meaning as your friends and family may be, you have to understand that your goal is not necessarily something that is important to them. It is not necessarily something they understand. Or approve of! And since our friends and family are important to us, we value their opinions, right? There’s the problem. Are you able to NOT be affected by someone saying “oh, but you can’t make money doing (what you love)”? Do you realize that the speaker is really saying, “I can’t…?” Because that’s what people do, they project their own limitations on YOU. Many of us consciously or unconsciously accept these beliefs and we let our dreams slip away. How sad is that!

So, it’s worthwhile to surround yourself with people who understand that achievement of your goals is not only important to you, but that once you’ve achieved your goal, there will be positive results for people around you! This is because as you reach for a goal, you must grow. You simply cannot be the person you are now, and achieve something greater than yourself. You must become someone greater! Think for a minute about the many ways a “new and improved” you will better the lives of people around you.

In the end, your success benefits more than just you! So it’s time to take the initiative and find a Success Team… as opposed to the “Things Aren’t That Bad, Let’s Not Rock the Boat” team.

Your Success Team is a group of like-minded people. Those who say “I’m going for it!” and won’t take no for an answer. They understand what it’s like to want something, and they are committed to helping you reach your goals just as you are committed to helping them reach theirs. You can call this collaboration “goal-tending” – just like in hockey, it takes more than the goalie to keep the other team from scoring; and it takes more than one player to score on the opposing team. Sure, there is the rare miracle moment when a single player makes that one lucky shot that wins the game. And there are people whose determination and grit alone gets them to their destination. But the reality is, all of our goals rely on the help of others! Think about anything you’ve ever achieved in your life and thank everyone who helped you get there. Even if it felt like you did it all on your own, did you, really? Or did you gain bits of wisdom and advice along the way? Did someone run a household errand for you so you could concentrate on your goal-oriented activity? Did anyone help you by introducing you to just the right person? Even if there are no obvious helpers, dig deep and think of everyone who was there in the right place at precisely the right time… and you will soon see how no goal is a true solo effort.

Finding a supportive atmosphere among like-minded people will greatly speed up your success. It goes beyong encouragement, into accountability. It’s far easier to lie to yourself and tell yourself that you’ll act… tomorrow… (if the stars are aligned, and right after that TV show you just can’t miss…) than it is to face your Success Team and explain why you didn’t do something. As a group, you will see right through each other’s lame excuses. You’ll push each other. You’ll encourage and congratulate each other, motivate each other, brainstorm together. And, you’ll succeed together.

How to use a Vision Board to achieve your goals!

By Blogpost, Goals, Success

Humans are creatures whose brains operate on imagery. We don’t have words swimming around in our heads, we have movies (or little clips and sound bytes). This is why a vision board is such a powerful tool in creating the results you want.

You may already know that a vision board has real power behind it. You may know that when you look at an image consistently and with feeling, that image will manifest in the physical world. What you may not know is how to use your vision board to its best potential. I have an idea I’d like to share with you:

Stop worrying about how your goal will manifest. Of course I’m not talking about just sitting there, staring at your magic vision board and doing nothing while you wait for your goal to drop into your lap. Races aren’t won without training; businesses are not made successful without some effort on your part – and so on. I’m talking about silencing the inner chatter, those gossipy, nagging and annoying hens in our heads that chant “can’t” and “but” and “what if” until you make yourself crazy. The trick is, to use your vision board to plant seeds and nurture them… NOT to get you worrying about “how.”

So as you sit there gazing longingly and lovingly at your vision board, don’t start managing your budget in your head. Don’t start measuring watts or making sales calls in your head. Don’t start putting images of “how” in there (images which usually involve backbreaking labor, hard hours, sacrifice and no fun).

For a little while each day, just feel the images on your vision board.

Put yourself into those images – give yourself the starring role in that movie. It can be really helpful to talk to a coach, who can sit down with you and help you create a vision board that has the right images, and reinforce those images with the right self-talk. Self talk such as, “how does (achieving x) make me feel?” “How do people treat me now that I’ve (achieved y)?” and many other questions that get you feeling good about the end result and not how you’re going to get there.

Like any other tool in goal achievement, a vision board is only as good as the thoughts you put into it. If your inner speech says “can’t” and “but” and “what if”, then a hundred vision boards in your home won’t do a thing. But one board, with the right images and reinforced by the right inner dialogue, can and will help you.

What’s your Motivation?

By Blogpost, challenges, inspirations

At the end of the day, what makes your soul sing when you think about your goals?

Is it visions of fame, money, a great body, the perfect mate… or is it something even more rewarding than those obvious results?

We would like to share a little exercise with you that we hope will get you thinking about the single most important question you should ask yourself when you decide to go for something.

That question is, WHY?

Why is this goal so important to you?

The reason for this question is absurdly simple. Your “why” is the difference between a wishy-washy goal that you will only give a wishy-washy effort to… and the super-important goal that you will do anything and everything to attain.

Pick any one of your goals and ask yourself, “why do I want this?

Ask most people why they want something big and you’ll probably get the fame and fortune answer. That one’s obvious but it also feels a little flat, a little incomplete. Sure, money is nice, but is it the real “why?” No, it’s not. Or if someone tells you their goal is to lose 5 kilogram’s. If you ask why, the immediate answer could be, so I look good in my clothes. Is that the real “why?” No. It’s how you FEEL when you’ve succeeded that motivates you!

It took us some time to figure out that unless we uncovered our “why”, we weren’t going to be motivated enough to go after our goals. If the “why” made sense to us and we truly desired to feel that way, then we would give my all to get to that place. And just as importantly, we were able to let go of goals that we held without a real “why.”

we had to learn to see the difference between goals that were ours and those that were externally motivated. It’s perfectly okay to realize that some of your goals may be externally driven by society, family, etc. and are just not right for you even if you try to convince yourself they are.

Since we’re so conditioned to want certain things, it pays to take a non-judgmental look at your goals. Sometimes an impartial listener can be a powerful ally in helping you uncover your “why.” If you discover a “why” that really speaks to you, then your goal is pure and right and perfect for you. Go for it! But, learn to recognize that for some goals, there’s no “why” that makes sense for you (for example, a goal of becoming a doctor because your parents want you to – is a goal motivated by wanting to make them happy… not you). Kindly say “no” and give your energy and attention to goals that have a clear and powerful “why.” Ultimately your happiness will make others around you happier! Underneath it all, the naked truth is, does a goal make me happy? Does it make me feel good?

We hope that you have some insight now on the importance of your own “why”. Find your “why” and motivation to succeed will never be an issue.


From the team @ Goalstribe