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6 tips to create your habits faster and longer lasting!

By Blogpost, habits


The quickest and most effective way to create positive change is to develop positive habits in your life, which will result in achieving your goals faster!

Wikipedia explains “A habit is the process by which a behavior becomes habitual. As behaviors are repeated in a consistent context, there is an incremental increase in the link between the context and the action. This increases the automaticity of the behavior in that context.”

Let’s look at some positive habits you may want to create. From exercising daily, drinking more water, keeping track of your spending, or even reading more! The list is endless – all depends on what your outcome is in relations to creating a new habit.

So here are 6 tips that help you create the habits faster and keep them for longer;

1. Make your habit visible.

Identify what habit you initially want to change and make visible your new habit – This might sound simple, but by identifying what habit you want to replace will create awareness and motivation to move away from it and focus on what you want to achieve. Then write down the NEW habit you want to create and POST IT EVERYWHERE… That’s right – everywhere… Shower, fridge, computer, car – even next to the toilet – make it visible, bold and loud. This is so you are reminded each and every time you see it. Bring it to life, bring it into your awareness!!!


2. Work in two week blocks

Thinking of doing the same thing over and over (as that is how habits are formed) for long periods of time sounds daunting. Imagine thinking of keep a log book for your spending for the next six months… OMG – no way… But what about for two weeks – a bit more manageable and you can rationalize it in your head. Just think two weeks – no more – at this stage.

3. Rewards and Non Rewards

Now that you are in the mind frame of two weeks, lets increase the motivation even more by creating some pleasure and pain motivators. Pleasure motivators (rewards) is something that you will reward yourself once you complete your habit daily for the first two weeks. Some examples might be a massage, going to the movies, or buying a new piece of clothing. However, on the flip side – Pain motivator (non reward) is something that if you break your habitual activity, then you will have to achieve that, which is usually something that you wouldn’t want to do. Examples of this may include; giving your favorite piece of clothing to charity, washing the bosses car, giving your ex-partner a $100 gift voucher – something that will motivate you NOT to give up and create your habit.

4. Focus on ONE habit at a time.

From the extract from Benjamin Franklin’s “striving for moral perfectionexplains the importance on focusing on ONE virtue at a time. This will channel your concentration and take your “normal” focus to “laser” focus to create your new habit.

5. Journal daily and acknowledge yourself.

Keep a diary next to your bed and each night before you go to bed, write down your successes for the day – in particular how many times you did your new habit and what other positive/successful activities did you do that had an impact on your new habit and goals. This will keep your mind in positive spirits, especially just before going to bed.

6. Surround yourself with a supportive team.

Form a mastermind team, join a support group, share your new habit with those who are on the same journey. Report in to them daily or couple times per week to keep yourself accountable and on track. Having the right support team, that motivates you, keeps you accountable, and this will improve your focus, intensity and commitment to form your new habit.

These 6 tips will get you on the road to quickly create new positive habits which will result in a massive difference in your life. Start now and make a list of the new habits you want to create. Enroll others to do the same. Simply retweet this article or share it with your friends. Remember, the more support – the more positive habits can be formed.

Are you ready for a 30 day weight loss challenge?

By Blogpost, Goals

Did you eat too much over the break?

Still carrying those few extra kilo’s?

Is shedding some pounds part of your New Year Resolutions?


Health & fitness is one of the most common goals people set, especially as a New Year’s Resolution.

The most popular health & fitness goal is “weight loss”. From the Biggest Loser TV show, to countless “Latest Diets”, Fat Pills, you name it – the weight loss industry is huge.

The information that is at one’s finger tips is endless. But that is all it is – information. What you do with this information is another thing. As we have mentioned before, setting goals is fantastic, but ACTIONING them is even better!

So – would you be interested in doing a 30day challenge to see if you can shed some extra pudding, burn those love handles, or blast the backside. But, not by yourself – no way – with 19 other motivated, focused, energized, ready to go people like yourself. People who are just like you – wanting to get started, or have started already – but looking for an “A” team to inspire, motivate, celebrate wins, learn from, plus loads more!

Excited yet?

Here is the challenge – jump on to the page http://goalstribe.com/join/loseweight and register your interest. You will then receive our ebook “Getting started – A quick guide in turning dreams into reality” Then once we hit 20 we will launch the tribe and get you going on the road to shedding the kilo’s. Yes, there is an investment – but it’s only $10. Small investment to have the support and motivation of 19 other motivated people.

Who’s in?

If you are one that likes all the details – that’s cool – drop us a line at info@goalstribe.com

Let’s start 2012 healthy, fit, and a few kilo’s lighter…

A great start in setting goals for 2012

By Blogpost, Goals

Do you want to know why less than 3% of the people in the world set goals and actually achieve them? “I don’t  know how.”

Yes, there is an art to setting goals and it’s not taught until we’re adults! But learning the art of goal setting will change your life. I know, that sounds like a tired old cliche, but it’s simple – if you don’t know what you want, how can you ever get it?

Here’s a short lesson on the art of goal-setting:

1. DREAM BIG. You know, deep inside, what your ideal life looks like. Your dream is there, probably buried under a whole mountain of “reality.” Take some time to write down everything you want to have – everything you want to be – and everything you want to do. Go wild with this! If you don’t plant the seed of possibility, you can be guaranteed that you’ll never reap the fruits. And who’s to say that a tiny seed you plant won’t grow?

2. SLEEP ON IT. Let your list lie dormant for a day, or two, or a week. But think about the things you’ve written. When you come back to the list  it’s with a simple question, the same question for each goal: Why? Why do I want this? If you can’t come up with a reason that makes sense to YOU, cross it off.

3. On the goals that are still left on your list, dig deeper to identify the real reason you want it:

  • Is it really MY goal? Don’t want something just because your neighbors have it. Or because some celebrity is it. Or because your family wants you to do it. Want it because YOU want it.
  • Is it in alignment with the higher good? In other words, is it the right thing to do?
  • Is it consistent with my other goals? Are they all taking you in the same general direction, or are they pulling you in opposite directions?
  • Can I commit to finishing this goal? Can I see it through to success?
  • Can I visualize myself having reached this goal?

If you can answer “yes” to all of these, it’s a worthy goal. Otherwise, cross it off the list.

You’ve narrowed your list to a few important goals. Now narrow it further, to identify the chosen few, the golden goals that really make your heart sing.

4. Dig even deeper for each goal. Will this goal improve your life, the lives of others, and will it make a difference in the world? Don’t feel bad if the Wave Runner isn’t something “that makes a difference in the world” – you’re allowed to have goals that are purely for pleasure (because in purchasing a “toy” you are benefiting the people who sold it, who manufactured it, who designed it, etc.). Essentially, does the goal make you feel good on many levels?

5. Take your goals, no matter their size or scope, and MAKE THEM SPECIFIC. Get down to the little details. Are you still passionate about them? It’s better to have a few detailed, exquisitely thought-out goals than a brain-full of fuzzy dreams.

6. Prioritize your goals in terms of short-range, mid-range and long-range. The ideal situation is for your short-range goals to support your future goals. Some goals are small – they teach you discipline, they boost your confidence, they give you quick gratification. Some goals are the big carrots that get you to grow and reach your highest potential. You may have to juggle your goals, working on some here while letting others sit before returning to them. That’s the art of goal-ACHIEVING, and that’s where I recommend working with a goals coach to help you hone the process.

Inspired by Zig Ziglar; blog found on www.goals2go.com