
The Magic of Saying Thank You

By Attitude, habits, mindset

Today is a good opportunity to stop and review the week that you’ve just had, and to just talk about some of the key lessons and those Aha! moments that you’ve taken for the week.

So, what about you? What’s been some of your wins over this last week that you can share down below? What are you most proud of? What are some achievements that you’ve done? Things that you want to highlight – and what about some of the lessons that you’ve learned this week as well?

I’m just heading out from the office today and I would like to share with you what I learned this week. What I want to share with you is about the power of actually saying one word, or maybe two words – THANK YOU.

It’s really a powerful thing, because of the energy that is associated with the words “Thank You” is quite profound and quite powerful.

So often we take so many things for granted, when things are expected and we receive them, we sometimes take them without any acknowledgement. But when we stop and actually just go, “you know what? Thank you for that. I really appreciate, I really acknowledge you for doing that.” No matter how big or how small it was, it goes a long way.

What you can actually see when you say those two key words or one key word is, it opens up their whole paradigm. It opens up their smiles and it opens up their whole energy. It only takes a second to say it, no effort on your part, really. Not only is it polite to say thank you, but saying it transforms the entire experience.

How many of you have experienced this? When someone – a coworker or family recognizes your efforts, no matter how small and gives you a sincere thank you, doesn’t the encounter leave you feeling positive? Wouldn’t you want to leave that same feeling to the person that you’re communicating with?

I hope the realization allows you to incorporate these two words when dealing with people. It enhances the experience for both the giver and the receiver.

So, who’ve we said thank you to over this last week? And who can you say thank you over the weekend, or over this coming week?

Make someone’s day! Really acknowledge someone, really light someone up. So – WINS, LESSONS and THANK YOU.

Thank you and have a good day.

Engagement and Influence

By Attitude, Blogpost, habits, mindset

Lesson for the week: Engagement and Influence

I love presenting and talking and coaching – is one of my geniuses that I love doing it. I can do it daily. But, it’s all well and good doing it – but how do you engage?

When you are having conversations, how do you engage? How do you engage with your teams, and how do you engage with your clients?

Obviously you cannot use a “one size fits all” approach. You have to get really personal. You have to really listen in order to connect. You need to communicate on a personal level.

Engagement is not limited to face-to-face meetings. Be active in Social Media. Facebook and Instagram are no longer simply avenues for selfies and vacation pics. You can use them to share information, and discuss your genius.

Podcasts and blogs are also good avenues for customer engagement. If you have a blog, take note that good content equals great engagement. People will read, listen and they will respond to your inputs as long as you provide quality content.

That’s one of the big lessons that we’ve learned throughout this week – it’s engagement.

Another lesson that we learned this week is influence

Having the ability to affect someone’s ideas, character or choices. This is not an easy thing to achieve.

Even this morning as I was running a training session for a client, we talked about influence.

We talked about how are you influencing those people around you? How are you influencing prospective clients, particularly in this market? How are you influencing your current clients?

So, looking at all those different components for us is around engagement and influence.

Now I want you to ask yourselves again:

How do you engage? How do you influence the people around you? Share your thoughts and leave a comment below.

Lessons for the Year: What’s Worked for 2018

By Blogpost, Goals, mindset, opportunities, Success

It’s another opportunity to review the week, and probably review the whole year.

What has been some of your wins and some of your lessons throughout this week? It’s a good time to just stop and reflect to say, “Hey! You have gone throughout the week.”

What are you most proud of? What have been some of the things that you’ve hanged out high and say, “Wow! That’s been a good week.”

What’s been some of the lessons that you can take away and go, “You know what? This is what I learned. This is an Aha moment.” Or “this is what I need to be doing differently next week.”

So, it’s an opportunity to really – as we come through this next little time, to sprint towards the end. And also to reflect on how the year has gone for you.

What has been some of the wins and the setbacks? Some of the lessons and what do we maybe doing differently for 2019.

I’d love to hear from you. What has been some of your wins? What are you most proud of this week? And what have been some of the lessons?

Wins for 2018

We had a great opportunity this week to present to a lot of different organizations.

We’re at the McGrath St. George during their monthly conference. We talked about their genius and we talked about their superpowers. We also talked about how to tap into their genius and how to really start to map-out 2019.

We were also at Tyler Nicholas where we talked about, obviously, how to build your teams. And also communication, which is a really important factor throughout this market where we are at the business world today.

I also had the opportunity, which is pretty cool, to be at the opening of a new sports store called Decathlon. It is a new huge sports store in Auburn. Being in the trail running ambassador, I was fortunate enough to be there.

What Have We Learned?

When I look back over this week, particularly the two presentations that I delivered with the two companies, is we went through the four review questions.

And those review questions is a great way to just to take stock and do this on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually process.

Let’s review the four questions once again:

  1. What’s worked for me this week?
    • What’s been some of the wins?
    • What’s been some of the things that I’m most proud of?
    • What’s really worked?
  2. What didn’t work? What’s been some of the setbacks and some of the challenges?
  3. What are some of my lessons? What are the Aha moments that I learned this week or this month, or whatever time period that you are reviewing?
  4. What do I need to be doing differently?

This is a perfect segway into 2019. When we can take and review your whole year and look at – “Okay, what are some of the things that really worked for me this year?”

What Will Be Different in 2019?

When you look at the different areas of your business, look at the different areas of your life both personally and professionally.

What are the things that didn’t work? What are the setbacks and challenges? What were the key lessons that we took away from work and also on the personal front.

And moving into 2019, how’s it going to be different? What are you going to do different? How’s it going to measure up compared to 2018?

So, it’s a great opportunity to really review. It’s an opportunity to review the year. We deep dive a little bit more in the year and we look at the different quarters. We also need to look at the different areas of your business and personally.

And we start to do the high-level planning for 2019. So you can break and you can free your mind, and really relax and restore, rejuvenate over the Christmas period.

So, there we go – Finish it Fridays, an opportunity to review the week – and the year.

An opportunity to think. What are some of your wins? What are some of your lessons throughout this week?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Have a wonderful holiday.

Creating a Genius Method vs. Job Description

By management, excellence, Goals, mindset

I attended the referral marketing course with the legend himself, Michael Griffiths, a few weeks ago and I’d like to share some of the key lessons and learnings that I picked up after the course.

In our businesses, in our organisation, we have created positions, and job description. And while it tells what each of us should be doing, what it does is it boxes and categorizes everyone. It’s called job description.

Job description tells us what we should do, but it does not explain why we should be doing these things. It does not clearly show where and how important our contributions are to the team and to keep the business running.

When we are categorized and boxed in, the job description becomes the goal and the measure of our performance. What happens is – we fail to spot other opportunities, other avenues where we could contribute to the business.

There are times when our skills and abilities make us capable of handling more than what is on our job description, but because we are placed in a category where the job description becomes our end goal and our unit of measure, we lose the opportunity to contribute more.

We’ve just shot an awesome little video in our group called the Real Estate Tribe, and it’s all about creating your genius within your team. I say, throw away your job descriptions. Throw away those boring job descriptions that you have within your companies. Because, you know what? Really, they don’t work.

It’s about creating the genius method within those roles to ensure that there’s accountability, to ensure that you’ve actually got the right team members onboard first, and ensuring that everyone’s clearly knows what’s happening and why’s it happening – and they’re accountable to what’s happening.

So, I’d love to share that video to you. If you want a copy of the video, just simply type in “TRIBE” below and I’ll send you an invite to the Real Estate Tribe so you can watch the full version of that video.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to hear your thoughts. I’d love to hear what’s been happening. What are your key lessons and what are your key wins that you want to share for this week? Have you had a good week? Or are you still trying to swim through the rest of the week?

So, there we go! Comment below, share your thought and let’s see how we can help each other.

How Engaged Are You?

By Attitude, Blogpost, challenges, Food for thought, habits, mindset

It is another week! And we are on our way again to face new challenges, learn from them and share whatever it is that we know will help us in the future.

So, today I want to share with you about ENGAGEMENT.

How engaged are you? How engaged are you in what you do and what you learn?

Engage with People with the same Goal

Little story to segway this into this quick little topic today. A number of years ago, I was fortunate enough to help out the Rich Dad Crew, Robert Kiyosaki.

I was up in a live event up in the Gold Coast. Gosh! This was close to 15, 16 years ago – and, I looked around and these people are coming in time and time again to learn and to grow.

And I start to question these people – so, what have you done between these courses? What have you done between then and now? And you could see, you could hear the blankness.

So what we did, what I actually did is I formed a relationship with nine other people who are actually from Sydney, but they are up at Gold Coast for this event. And we formed a “Master Mind” group.

From that Master Mind group, we met for – I think it was close to three years every single fortnight – and we implemented our learnings. We implemented what we’re taught, what we learnt from previous courses, from books, from what we discovered throughout the fortnight.

And being held accountable to a group was so powerful. Knowing that you had to report in what you were going to do over the last fortnight, which is huge. So much different from, I guess, going one on one.

The whole group environment where you had ten people around looking at you going – “hey, dude! You’re committed to this? What happened? What worked?” This somehow led me to fast forward to today.

What’s next?

“How engaged are you?” That question has kept me thinking what my next step would be and how I can make it meaningful. So, we read books, we attend courses, we were taking programs. But what do you do? What’s your strategy to maintain your own engagement? How do you maintain your own engagement?

What do you do once you read a book? Do you just go – “Ah, that was nice!”, then put it back in the shelf and away you go? Or do you actually take notes and do you highlight, and you go write this next month I’m going to implement X?

What do you do about your courses? What do you do about podcasts? How do you implement the material? Because, knowledge is great. Knowledge is fantastic. But unless you have the implementation of that knowledge, it’s just knowledge.

And so, I’m going to ask you guys today. How are you maintaining your engagement? How do you ensure that you are engaged in what you do? And how do you ensure that you take that engagement, and you take action?

So, there we go! How engaged are you in what you do and what you learned?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’d love to hear your comments. Comment below on how you keep engaged and looking forward to speaking to you soon.

The Power of Asking the Right Questions

By challenges, Food for thought, habits, mindset

Well, another week has done and dusted.

How’s your week been? What’s been some of the highlights? What’s been some of the things you’ve achieved through-out the week?

Let’s just check in and review what key lessons and key wins we want to share with everyone.

This week, it’s all about the different flavors and theme of QUESTIONS.

Now, I’m a strong believer of the quality of questions is equals the quality of your results and therefore the quality of your life. So, what questions are you asking on a daily basis? Not just to your clients, your customers, your team, but to yourself.

If you are not the type to ask yourself questions, start now. Make it a habit to ask questions – in your personal life, at work, and especially in business – keep asking questions.

When you start asking questions, you will find out if the current situation or status can be improved. You can see the areas that still need some work. And you will see opportunities in places that you have not noticed before.

Now that you know what asking questions can do to improve your situation, you know that there’s no limit to the questions that you can ask yourself. But in order to see results – you need to be asking the right questions. So how do you know if you are asking the RIGHT questions?

There’s a series of 12 questions that we go through each and every time when we review and set some accountability, ownership over responsibility with the team. Here are some of them to help you reflect on the current state of your business:

  • Do you have the right resources?
  • Do you have the right ‘why’?
  • Do you have the right commitment?
  • What has worked?
  • What hasn’t worked?
  • What are some of the key lessons?
  • What are some of the things we need to be doing differently next week?

After going through all these, ask yourself – what questions do you ask yourself on a regular basis? Now, we can go many different ways and many different avenues from this – the whole “why,” right?

“Why are we doing this? Why are we doing that?

I’d like to know – what are some of the most powerful questions that you’ve asked on yourself and you’ve asked of others in the past?

So, what are some of your wins and lessons throughout the week, and what are some of your questions.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

By Blogpost, Attitude, challenges, Food for thought, Goals, habits, mindset, opportunities

Every time the week ends, it’s a great opportunity for me to review the week, and use these realizations to help me face the next week with a fresh mindset.

So, what’s been happening? What’s been some of the wins, some successes, some lessons along the way? Here in Sydney town, it’s a beautiful sunny day out there today. It’s sweltering hot! Hopefully you’ve got the beach and cool off throughout the day.

Again, this is a great way to review the week. What’s been some of the wins? What’s been some of the lessons? Love to hear those wins and those lessons. Comment below, and yeah, let’s see how you’ve gone.

Lesson 1: Keep Challenging Yourself

Now, looking at a good lesson from this morning’s training session. I’m training up for our next event, which is coming up in February, which is the Tarawera Ultra Marathon. It’s a 100k in Rotorua in New Zealand, and that’s in February.

So, training up and back on the stairs, Coogee death stairs – so to speak. It’s about 200 plus stairs there, and I’m training with this mate this morning.

As I was doing 10 steps and was up to my 9th set – about to stop on my 10th – and I suddenly noticed that he has just got on to his 4th of his set. Anyway, he’s obviously gone through some ups and downs at the moment, through some challenges.

Instinctively, I looked back at him and said, “Mate, alright! Last set! Here are the rules. There’s no walking and we’ve got to go to the top. And you got to lead the way.

And he goes, “Yeah! You’re on.

Then I said, “If we walk, we’re going to do another set.

He goes, “DONE!

Then, what happened was, in previous set – I’ve gone halfway and have a little bit of walk, and go again, and so forth, and so forth. This last set was a game changer. What happened was that he obviously made through that whole 200 plus stairs without walking, and he lead the way.

And I said, “What a great metaphor in life.

  1. You knew the rules that you need to be playing by.
  2. You finished it and you completed it to the end.
  3. There was no walking, you jogged it all the way.
  4. You led the pack.

Lesson 2: Learn from Your Challenges

I finally said to him, take those lessons now into your day, into your week – and watch what happens. And now, this is where exercise can draw upon so many amazing lessons that we can utilize in our own life.

You know, that little self-talk that the challenges, you know – working by yourself or working with your mate, or working in a group. Always different components, we can take a lot of those lessons into your day to day, into your business life.

So there we go, some lessons learned from training this morning. What’s been some of your wins? What’s been some of your lessons?

Love to hear your thought. Please comment below and looking forward to speaking to your soon.

Motivation is NOT Enough

By Goals, Attitude, Blogpost, Food for thought, inspirations, mindset

It’s another opportunity to start our week right.

Nice and wet outside, but hey, it doesn’t hold you back from achieving what you want to achieve for the week.

So, we have the opportunity to really start the week fresh. Start the week with some excitement. Start the week with some clarity, direction and some focus.

Motivation is NOT Enough

So I often I hear – “Yeah, I just want to be motivated. I just want to get more motivation. I just want have someone motivate me.”

All well and good! You know you can watch the videos, you can listen to the music, you can listen to the personal development stuff – but that’s going to give you a quick fix.

Those things can only give you a little electric shock. That’s going to give you the little thing that’s gonna jump start you. But that’s not enough to keep you going.

Coming up tomorrow, we have what we call out GoalsTribe Intensive which will bring all our clients together for two days to work on themselves and also on their business. To really get re-focus, re-strategize and really get clarity of where the next quarter needs to be.

What comes after Motivation?

What happens is that the motivation where they get really excited to come to this event is fantastic – they leave really pumped. But what happens next is so crucial, and there are two components in relations to utilizing that motivation and how do you actually make it everlasting. And there are two key components.

One is obviously having really clear goals that you actually working towards. That will enable you to maintain your motivation.

What are your goals? Are they specific? Are they measurable? Are they attainable? Are they relevant? Are they time orientated?

We know the SMART principle! That’s one component.

And the other component is, are they compelling enough? – “What is your why?”

When we have the clear, concise goals and we have the why – that is going to maintain the motivation. That’s going to maintain our drive. That’s going to maintain us moving forward to actually achieving what we want to achieve.

That’s why motivation is not enough, but having clear, concise goals and having your why – enables you to really instill that motivation day in and day out.

There we go! Love to hear what your goals are maybe? Or what is your why?

Love to hear! Comment below and looking forward to speaking to you soon.

Achieve Your Goals Through Focus

By Attitude, Blogpost, challenges, Goals, mindset

Oh my goodness!

Where has the weeks gone? It is flying throughout the moment. Can you believe it, next thing we know the year’s over.

So, I think there’s only around about five more weeks to go before the big man comes down the chimney. I hope you got your stockings ready to go out and all the lovely decorations.

I can’t believe the other day, when I was in the shops, I saw the Christmas decorations ready to go out already. Can you believe it? Absolutely amazing.

Every end of the week, it is a great opportunity to review the week of the wins that you’ve had, and also the lessons you’ve had throughout the week. It’s a great time to stop, reflect and go through the four (4) debriefing questions that I always recommend clients to go through.

Let’s Review

So firstly, what has worked for you for this week? What has been some of the wins? What are you most proud of throughout this week?

Secondly, what are the challenges? What’s some of the things that you’ve not finished? What’s been some of the setbacks?

Third one is, what are the key lessons? What have you learned from this week? And finally, what do you need to be doing next week?

Going through those four (4) debriefing questions enables you to really stop, reflect and go – “You know what? Yeah, let’s acknowledge yourself, let’s acknowledge the team – of what’s happened throughout the week.”

Aside from the four debriefing questions, it’s also good to consider and review these three components:

  1. What are some of the things that you know, we may be a little bit stuck on?
  2. How can we enroll others to assist and move through those process?
  3. And lastly, and the most obvious is, LESSONS.

This is a great point! How do we learn from our wins, setbacks and so forth – to then do some of the things a little bit differently for the next week.

What are your lessons this week?

Some of the lessons I want to share with you of what I’ve learned this week is how I love the lesson that exercise gives me. This is why I do some of these crazy runs, right?

Exercise gives me some amazing lessons personally and also for life in general. So, as you may or may not know I do these crazy runs – I just finished a 250 kilometer run through the Simpson Desert for over six (6) days. Crazy stuff!

And now I’m training for our next race. It’s a 100K run in Rotorua, in New Zealand coming up on February next year. So I’m back on this training plan – and the other day I was with a mate, Jason, and we were going up Coogee Stairs. And for those who know it, South Coogee Stairs are amazing, right? There are about 222 stairs there, it’s fantastic! When you get to the half-way, you think you’re already there and you’re only half-way right?

So, we’re going up and down, and we’re doing this set of stairs. And on the second last set, what happened was – while I was going up, a thought came into my mind. And that thought led me down a rabbit-hole.

I was thinking of too many things at once – things that I had to do, unfinished work that I had to complete, which were completely unrelated to what I was doing at that very moment. I was so caught up with other things that I lost my focus and forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

The next thing I know, I looked up and Jason was already about 15-20 meters in front. I was just there, then suddenly my thought process was just completely down this rabbit-hole of this and that – and then what I need to do and this and that.

The moment I got to the top, I said to him, “Mate! That was like, I went down a complete rabbit hole!”

And he was like, “Yeah, I was just about to shout out to you what actually happened. Where were you? Where was your head?” Because he could see me going down this rabbit-hole.

It made me realize how quickly I, and obviously talking to clients and the others out there – how quickly we can go down the rabbit-holes in life.

How quickly we can, you know, by a shiny ball or a thought – can take us off the path, can take us off focus, and can take us off where we really need to be.

And so, what I did – I did a massive awareness around how quickly our mind can shift us into different thoughts and different avenues.

With that, a new realization came – when we came around and did our last lap – I have to stay true to the intention of what I needed to do. Stay true to the focus of where I need to go – that is, to get up those stairs. And when we got up to that last set, I was side by side with Jason, and he goes, “Welcome back!”

Focus: Why is it important?

And so, the lesson is – when we’re doing a task, when we’re doing an activity, obviously, keep the focus of the outcome. Keep the intention of why you’re doing the task. Keep the focus of, “this is why we’re doing it, this is how we’re doing it and this is what we’re doing.”

When we stay true to that focus, when we stay true to that intention – you get the results so much quicker. Rather than going down the rabbit-holes, rather than going the shiny balls – and this is a massive lesson that we had throughout the day. And this is the power of getting out there and reviewing your week.

So, what are your wins? What are some your successes? What are some of your lessons throughout the week?

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below and share how you keep focus and achieve your goals in life and in your career.

Making Big Decisions in Business

By Attitude, challenges, mindset

Someone said to me the other day, “you know what? There are only a few weeks until Christmas.

Can you believe it!? Things probably shorten them. So hopefully we’ll be seeing, maybe not hopefully seeing those Christmas decorations out shortly.

Let’s take this opportunity again to review your week. Always here at the Tribe, we take stuff and look at what’s been some of the wins and some of the lessons. What are the things that we’re proud of? Some of the things, well you know, maybe a little bit outstanding? What are the key lessons along the way?

So, what has been some of the wins and some of the lessons that you’ve achieved this week? I’d love to hear what are you most proud of. What are the aha! moments you have learned along the way?

One of the things that we go through with our clients is how to actually make the big decisions in their business.

I just shot a cool little video in our group called “The Real Estate Tribe” on this topic, and if you want to find out more about this video – just comment below “Tribe” and I’ll send you the link to this awesome little group.

Start Making Big Decisions

So often we get in a crossroad and we get confused. We get at a rabbit hole of “how do we make these big decisions?” You know, we get so ingrained in the rabbit hole and we can’t see the light – we can’t see the goal post, we can’t see the light at the end of the forest.

It is easy for us to make small decisions like what to eat. We often do not give it a lot of thought, but we get stumped when making major decisions – be it personal, or business. We get stuck in a limbo for weeks or even months.

And this video, what I did is show people how to actually walk you through that process of making the big decisions.

So, I’m happy to share the video with you. Just simply type-in ‘Tribe’ below and I’ll add you to our cool little Tribe that shares some of these great little tools and techniques.

So, what are some of your wins? What are some of your lessons throughout this week? Love to hear your thoughts, love to hear your comments.

There you go! Short but sweet.