
What Doesn’t Stress You Won’t Make You Stronger

By Blogpost, challenges

The strength of the human body is governed by something called the Principle of Progressive Resistance.

That is, the more demand you place on the body (progressively longer and more intense workouts) the more the muscles will respond and strengthen. More demand, more resulting strength. If you want to strengthen your muscles, you must stress them.

Remove the stress (the challenge) and muscles weaken.

The same applies to any area of your life. You need to be challenged, stressed, put to the test, if you’re going to see any improvement.


Any sort of challenge forces you to adapt, grow, evaluate and learn. It tests your commitment, perseverance, willpower and your character. It’s an in-your-face reminder not to stay comfortably cocooned in your comfort zone.

Nobody’s finest hour ever came when they were comfortable. It came in times of adversity, often very difficult circumstances. You can’t rise to your highest potential without being pushed to your limits. Otherwise, silly little things remain as “limits.” You have to push through them and go a step higher… and another step higher… and so on until you’ve achieved your goal.

Don’t worry if challenges seem overwhelming. Just take them on one step at a time.

Keep going until you’ve reached your goal. Then… set a new goal. A new set of challenges.

Without challenges, your life stagnates. It becomes boring and you WILL suffer from regret of not having tried, or not having gotten up when you’ve been knocked down.

Think back to some challenges you overcame last year and how you benefited from them. Or… if those challenges pushed you backward, isn’t it time to re-evaluate the situation, look at it from a different perspective, and try again using different methods?

Add some spice to your business goals by making them just a little more challenging than you’re comfortable with. That’s the only way you will grow your business beyond the constraints of “what is” right now.


Inspired by a post at:


Personal Challenges

By Attitude, Blogpost, challenges

We all have self-imposed limitations. We all hold certain beliefs that are limiting and keep us from achieving our business and personal goals:

● I can’t do something
● I can’t have something
● that goal is not achievable

And we rationalise them:

● I don’t have the skills or the knowledge
● I just don’t have the time or the money
● it’s not meant to be

What’s really sad is that if you think you can’t, then you’re absolutely correct. You can’t. So in order to achieve your goals, you have to start thinking in terms of “I can.” How can you shift the way you see yourself and your goals? How can you see them in the light of possibility and optimism instead of negativity and pessimism (often masked as “being realistic”)?

Challenge yourself!

Personal Challenges2

Set challenges with specific actions and deadlines. These don’t necessarily have anything directly to do with your goal (although they can). The point of personal challenges is to get you to see things differently and to build self-confidence.

If you procrastinate, challenge yourself to work on your goal for 10 minutes. That’s all. And by “work on your goal” I mean actually work on it, not just think about it or organize your desk. Then you can go back to whatever you were doing. Why this works: procrastination is based on fear, and action is the best way to overcome fear. Get in the habit of taking 10 minutes a day to do something proactive on your goal first thing in the morning. 10 minutes is nothing in terms of time, but if you focus ONLY on your goal during this time, you’ll accomplish a lot.

If you are overwhelmed with the big picture, multiple demands on your time and have trouble finding time to work on your goals, challenge yourself to say NO to anything that is not a priority. That means you have to know what your priorities are, and you have to be willing to honor those priorities. That doesn’t mean shirking responsibility; it just means delegating or saying no to taking on more than you can handle in the course of a day. Some things just have to wait while your priorities are taken care of!

And this is the most fun challenge of all: You can always challenge yourself to “five more.” Five more what?

● Pages read
● Emails written
● Calls made
● Pushups
● Minutes
● Steps

Once you do five, you can often do ten. And another five… or ten.

Challenges help build your self-esteem and confidence, in small incremental steps.


Inspired by a blog post by Pam Solberg-Tapper on www.managementhelp.org


Courage and Control

By Blogpost, challenges

How do you handle life’s monkey wrenches? Goals always come with unwanted, unexpected, unimaginable, uncontrollable aspects. You can count on that. Question is, how do you continue to manage your business when this happens?

It is our mission at GoalsTribe to give you the tools to succeed. One of those tools is teaching you to develop and maintain a courageous, indomitable spirit.

Indomitable spirit is not something taught in traditional business schools. It means you cannot – and WILL not – be overcome or conquered by any external OR internal events. It means you continue working toward your goals no matter the setbacks, obstacles and adversities you encounter. It means that you stubbornly refuse to take NO for an answer. It means that you still perform your role, with your greatest strength and enthusiasm, no matter what.

Does that sound like denial to you? It shouldn’t. Denial is a head-in-the-sand approach to life. Courage means you face problems and change head-on and maintain the indomitable mental toughness to persevere. Instead of allowing a situation to paralyze you, you use it to energize you into out-of-the-box creative problem solving. It doesn’t mean stubbornly clinging to methodology that doesn’t work (that’s denial); it means looking beyond your obstacles and reverse-engineering the ways to achieve the desired result.

This is a learned trait. It arises from one thing we all hate – practice. Developing the indomitable spirit that allows you to do anything you want means you have to learn to overcome being criticized, judged, opposed, attacked, ridiculed, rejected, ignored and even hated… takes time and extreme mental mastery. You can plan on falling – but will you rise again? You can expect to be pushed around – but will you push back?

Do you think that your finest moments come when you’re comfortably sitting at your desk… or during the worst adversity? You already know the answer.

How do you develop the courage and mental control that make or break your business goals?

1. Decide that courage is a choice.

2. Decide to be courageous for just 20 seconds today. You can do anything for 20 seconds…

3. Take a deep breath and DO SOMETHING BOLD for 20 seconds.

What can you do TODAY that takes 20 seconds? Now, don’t start protesting that you can’t do anything in 20 seconds. Oh, yes you can. You can dial that number you don’t want to dial and introduce yourself to the person you’re terrified of talking to (they will be much nicer than you expect); you can push SEND on an email that reminds your clients they are late in their payments to you or the proposal for the project you want to bid on. You can present your idea to the board at the meeting today, not by speaking but by using a visual aid that lets your idea speak for itself.

And you don’t have to limit yourself to one 20-second burst of courage, either. To develop your business and interpersonal skills, and master your mind and emotions so you can maximize your talents, contact GoalsTribe. Your success is our success, and to that end, we offer customized, in-depth business and personal goals coaching that will help you achieve all of your goals, even the ones that require the courage you think you don’t have – you can create it, and it’s our job to help you embody that courage!


Inspired by posts from Gary Ryan Blair at www.everythingcounts.com


What’s your Motivation?

By Blogpost, challenges, inspirations

At the end of the day, what makes your soul sing when you think about your goals?

Is it visions of fame, money, a great body, the perfect mate… or is it something even more rewarding than those obvious results?

We would like to share a little exercise with you that we hope will get you thinking about the single most important question you should ask yourself when you decide to go for something.

That question is, WHY?

Why is this goal so important to you?

The reason for this question is absurdly simple. Your “why” is the difference between a wishy-washy goal that you will only give a wishy-washy effort to… and the super-important goal that you will do anything and everything to attain.

Pick any one of your goals and ask yourself, “why do I want this?

Ask most people why they want something big and you’ll probably get the fame and fortune answer. That one’s obvious but it also feels a little flat, a little incomplete. Sure, money is nice, but is it the real “why?” No, it’s not. Or if someone tells you their goal is to lose 5 kilogram’s. If you ask why, the immediate answer could be, so I look good in my clothes. Is that the real “why?” No. It’s how you FEEL when you’ve succeeded that motivates you!

It took us some time to figure out that unless we uncovered our “why”, we weren’t going to be motivated enough to go after our goals. If the “why” made sense to us and we truly desired to feel that way, then we would give my all to get to that place. And just as importantly, we were able to let go of goals that we held without a real “why.”

we had to learn to see the difference between goals that were ours and those that were externally motivated. It’s perfectly okay to realize that some of your goals may be externally driven by society, family, etc. and are just not right for you even if you try to convince yourself they are.

Since we’re so conditioned to want certain things, it pays to take a non-judgmental look at your goals. Sometimes an impartial listener can be a powerful ally in helping you uncover your “why.” If you discover a “why” that really speaks to you, then your goal is pure and right and perfect for you. Go for it! But, learn to recognize that for some goals, there’s no “why” that makes sense for you (for example, a goal of becoming a doctor because your parents want you to – is a goal motivated by wanting to make them happy… not you). Kindly say “no” and give your energy and attention to goals that have a clear and powerful “why.” Ultimately your happiness will make others around you happier! Underneath it all, the naked truth is, does a goal make me happy? Does it make me feel good?

We hope that you have some insight now on the importance of your own “why”. Find your “why” and motivation to succeed will never be an issue.


From the team @ Goalstribe