

By Blogpost, Goals, inspirations


What influences your outlook on life and your goal-setting?  Experiences, family, friends, education, society, and religion all have had some impact on your outlook and your goal-setting.  You may be aware of some influences but others may be buried deep in your subconscious.  How do you unearth the hidden beliefs you had no conscious idea cause you to think and behave a certain way?
Here’s a game you can play:  think about a really big goal of yours, and allow all of your emotions to come into the light.  Pay attention to all of them.  It’s really important to allow all of them, especially the negative ones, surface. Don’t deny any emotion because it’s a clear signal that there is some underlying belief that will probably cause you to take actions to sabotage yourself.   This is one of those situations where talking about these emotions with a coach can be helpful.  You’ll need an objective point of view to counter all the rationalizations and excuses that will come up – and they will!  

Are your emotions surrounding money positive, negative or neutral?  How about your emotions about your self-worth?  Or your importance?  Or your attractiveness?

So pay attention to the negative emotions, and think back to what influenced those feelings in you.  It can be hard to dig up those old memories, but if you’re going to move forward, you’ll have to make yourself do it.  Just the once is enough!  Once those old memories are out in the open, you can let those emotions go.

The thing is (and again, you may need an objective set of ears) you really have to decide once and for all that you choose to NOT be influenced by what happened in the past.  You have to decide that you do NOT agree with what people said about you or to you, or did to you.  I’m going to say right now that this is not an easy process!  But at the same time, once you’ve done it, it’s incredibly liberating.

You are not the person you were then!  You’ve evolved, you’ve experienced other things.  You know that you can choose whether to react or respond to some negative thing/person.  You can choose to accept a person’s unkindness and let it become part of your belief system – or not!  You can choose to let painful experiences become part of your belief system – or not!

As a simple example, let’s say your mother-in-law says disapproving things about your parenting.  You can choose to let it ruin your day… or not.  You can choose to let her opinion become part of your belief system… or not.

If Tom had always been told that he is incompetent and lazy, chances are that he subconsciously agreed with it.  But did he become incompetent and lazy because he truly was, or because it was drilled into his head by his parents?  Let’s say he just found out that he had a choice whether to agree with his parents – and he chose to disagree with them.  What do you think happened?

Everything we do as adults has a “past”.  Everything is influenced by something that happened in the past, or something we learned.  The real beauty of the situation is that once you know this, you can choose to agree with other people’s beliefs.  You can also choose to agree with your reactions to situations and follow those old patterns for ever, or not.  You can look at beliefs you accepted and decide whether you agree with them or not.  How liberating!  It’s not easy to break free and follow your own beliefs (the ones NOT borrowed from others or from past experiences).  But the rewards are beyond anything you can possibly accomplish while you agree to be bound by the past.


What’s your Motivation?

By Blogpost, challenges, inspirations


At the end of the day, what makes your soul sing when you think about your goals?


Is it visions of fame, money, a great body, the perfect mate… or is it something even more rewarding than those obvious results?


We would like to share a little exercise with you that we hope will get you thinking about the single most important question you should ask yourself when you decide to go for something.


That question is, WHY?


Why is this goal so important to you?


The reason for this question is absurdly simple.  Your “why” is the difference between a wishy-washy goal that you will only give a wishy-washy effort to… and the super-important goal that you will do anything and everything to attain.


Pick any one of your goals and ask yourself, “why do I want this?


Ask most people why they want something big and you’ll probably get the fame and fortune answer.  That one’s obvious but it also feels a little flat, a little incomplete.  Sure, money is nice, but is it the real “why?”  No, it’s not.  Or if someone tells you their goal is to lose 5 kilogram’s.  If you ask why, the immediate answer could be, so I look good in my clothes.  Is that the real “why?”  No.  It’s how you FEEL when you’ve succeeded that motivates you!  


It took us some time to figure out that unless we uncovered our “why”, we weren’t going to be motivated enough to go after our goals.  If the “why” made sense to us and we truly desired to feel that way, then we would give my all to get to that place.  And just as importantly, we were able to let go of goals that we held without a real “why.”   


we had to learn to see the difference between goals that were ours and those that were externally motivated.  It’s perfectly okay to realize that some of your goals may be externally driven by society, family, etc. and are just not right for you even if you try to convince yourself they are.


Since we’re so conditioned to want certain things, it pays to take a non-judgmental look at your goals.  Sometimes an impartial listener can be a powerful ally in helping you uncover your “why.”  If you discover a “why” that really speaks to you, then your goal is pure and right and perfect for you.  Go for it!  But, learn to recognize that for some goals, there’s no “why” that makes sense for you (for example, a goal of becoming a doctor because your parents want you to – is a goal motivated by wanting to make them happy… not you).  Kindly say “no” and give your energy and attention to goals that have a clear and powerful “why.”  Ultimately your happiness will make others around you happier!  Underneath it all, the naked truth is, does a goal make me happy?  Does it make me feel good? 


We hope that you have some insight now on the importance of your own “why”.  Find your “why” and motivation to succeed will never be an issue.


From the team @ Goalstribe