
Lessons From Sir Richard Branson

By June 7, 2013 December 1st, 2020 No Comments

Talk about the epitome of the “Success Mindset”! Sir Richard Branson is living every entrepreneur’s dream. So what is it about him that made him so… beyond successful?


Branson embodies the fearless, believe-in-yourself attitude essential for success. Here is a list of traits he personifies; you may recognise some in yourself – and work on developing those you currently lack:

1. Mindset:

– Purpose: have a clear sense of why you’re here and what you can contribute. What is your real gift to the world and how can you share it?
– Values: family, fun, integrity, adventure, contribution, honesty, teamwork, being the best, quality of life, respect, leadership by example, responsibility, challenge.
– Beliefs: unlimited, open, creative… anything is possible and everything is negotiable
– No real line between work and play; passion for everything
– Fascination and curiosity about everything

2. Skills:

– Flexible thinking; open-minded
– Negotiation and persuasion
– Communication, including listening and painting a clear picture of a desired future.
– Building relationships

3. Behaviours:

– Takes calculated risks
– Takes time to learn
– Visioning, dreaming, planning
– Being surrounded by positive, uplifting, forward-thinking people including mentors
– Journals (always carries notebook to write down ideas
– Constantly hunting for new opportunities; or creating them
– Making it a habit to step out of the comfort zone
– Challenge current ways of thinking; seeing from alternate perspectives
– Enjoys trying new things


Will you end up as wildly successful as Richard Branson if you adopt all of these traits? Maybe. You might just surpass him. But don’t measure yourself against him or anyone else – learn from them, but remember that you will be as successful as YOU want to be, according to your definition of success and within the parameters of who you are – a unique individual with a unique and needed gift. Start today by choosing one trait to develop in yourself and go do it!


Inspired by an IQ Matrix Mind Map by Adam Sicinski at www.iqmatrix.com