
Setting up goals whether personal or business in nature is a must. Goals give you focus, motivation and purpose. And goals come hand in hand with plans. Plans provide you with direction. Even the most laid back person has a goal or two. It is what keeps us going and moving forward. They make life more exciting and interesting. Often, the challenges that come with trying to achieve something and overcoming hurdles in order to reach them keeps us going. Goals push us to keep moving forward. Without goals, we would remain stagnant. Life would be boring.

While having goals bring excitement to our lives, having too many of them can be detrimental. There is only one of you and your time and energy are limited. Working towards too many goals can further divide your focus which can lead to low-quality results – and you get negative feedback plus, it will cost you additional time and energy to backtrack and redo your work. Pick and choose your goals wisely. They should be worth your time and effort. More importantly, they should contribute to the greater picture.

Stick With Your Vision

Re-examine what you want to achieve. What do you really want? Once you have determined what that is, think of how you can achieve it and stick with it. Go for goals that, when achieved, complement the other goals that you have in mind. It might be tempting to go for other goals along the way but you need to consider if they are going to bring you closer to your vision or just divide your focus and attention. Stick with your vision!

Goals That You Can Commit To

List all of the goals that come to mind and pick out the ones that you can really commit to. Consider the different factors like the timeframe and the resources at your disposal. Be realistic, but do not pick goals just because you can achieve them with minimal effort. Goals should provide you with a challenge, but more importantly, you should have the passion to reach them.

Non-conflicting Goals

Business and personal goals are different from each other but they can affect each other. Do not sacrifice one over the other. Pick out goals that do conflict with your other goals. Carefully examine them and if need be, ask for advice from a mentor or someone who has expertise in the field.