
The reason you’re still hoping you’ll achieve your goal

By Attitude, Blogpost, Goals

Have you decided to achieve a goal this year? Hey, the year is half over already and you still aren’t doing what you promised yourself you’d do?

In my early goal-setting days, I used to make this mistake: I didn’t decide. I didn’t say a big, hearty YES. I didn’t commit.

It’s interesting, though… I tried. I really did. I gave it all kinds of effort, but my approach was flawed in that I didn’t show my commitment by having a plan. Naturally, my flawed approach led to not-so-great results.

Here are common goal-setting mistakes that I encourage you to own. I’m willing to bet you see yourself in at least one of these mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up… just do the opposite. It’s a learning process!

problem solution

1. Problem: you are vague about your goal. “I want to be rich” is a very vague goal. I don’t know what that means. Do you? Solution: be specific. Give your internal compass a clear direction!

2. Problem: you are taking on someone elses’ goals. If you’re trying to fit into somebody’s expectations of what you should do with your life… you will fail. Solution: remove the word “should” from your vocabulary and do what YOU want to do.

3. Problem: you don’t write anything down. All of those brilliant ideas live in your head, where they sit until one day you remember them. Not. Solution: write down your goals, and any and all ideas that come to you. Richard Branson does this. Be like Richard Branson.

4. Problem: you don’t have a plan. Just wing it. Make it up as you go along. Oh, you don’t know what to do? Bummer! Solution: make an action plan. Stick to it.

5. Problem: you haven’t prioritised your goals. You work on them “when you have time.” Which you don’t have. So nothing gets done. Solution: jettison the time-sucking, soul-crushing activities (yes, TV) and work toward your dreams. You DO want to live out your dreams, right?

6. Problem: you don’t believe in yourself. You think you’re not worthy, not capable, not whatever enough. Says who? Says you.Solution: stop telling that story! You have a better story to tell – overcoming obstacles, bucking the odds, persevering… and ultimately coming out triumphant. Write your own story, not the one your self-imposed limitations write!

7. Problem: you blame the world for your failures. But think about it: whenever there is a problem in your life, YOU are there. Whenever there is struggle, YOU are there. Whenever there is achievement, YOU are there. You are responsible for your reactions and choices. Solution: own your choices, and stop giving excuses why you can’t. Start giving reasons why you can.

8. Problem: you try to fly solo. “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” Of course. Except that you aren’t blessed with any more time than anyone else, and you aren’t good at everything. You can muddle through, get it done eventually, but at what cost? Solution: do what you’re good at and outsource the rest.

9. Problem: you let fear push you backward instead of forward. Fear makes you procrastinate. It makes you second-guess yourself. It makes you doubt your visualizations. It drains you and makes you quit. Solution: turn fear into excitement (it’s the SAME physiological response!!) and let it push you into action. Action feels GOOD. When you’re busy doing, you can’t be busy being afraid.

10. Problem: you aren’t motivated and you give up. Sometimes it’s a long haul. A long, tiring, frustrating haul. But the truth is, most people give up just before that pinnacle moment of success. Like seconds before they hit the finish line. Solution: look BEYOND the point of achievement. Feel and visualize the warm glow of achievement, and keep going, one step at a time, no matter what, no matter how tired or frustrated you are. Just. Keep. Going. You WILL get there. That’s the only way.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” -Abraham Lincoln

Inspired by a post by Jill Koenig at http://www.goalguru.com/blog/

The Most Important Question

By Attitude, Blogpost, Goals

Whether you’re talking about personal or business goals, you may be running into problems getting from A to Z. You may be jumping from one method to another; trying the latest techniques; or changing up your approach, with little or no results.

More often than not, these novel approaches end up being nothing more than interesting diversions. Not that there’s anything wrong with trying something new when obviously the old way wasn’t working… however, the “approach behind the approach” may be flawed.

You may not be asking the right questions.

Question #1: “How can I help you?” In business, being 100% committed to the success of your clients or customers is essential. That means, focusing on how you can help them and not giving one moment of thought about how they can help you. Even if you can’t solve their problem. This can be hard, if your focus is what the customer brings to your business. If your product or service doesn’t meet their needs, do you try the blunt object approach and do your best to convince them that even though you can’t offer the ideal solution, it’s close enough and they should jump on board before the offer expires? Or… do you point them in the right direction (which may be a competitor’s offering)? Do you give up trying for the sale and focus instead on the experience the person is having, on their well-being, their satisfaction with the service you are giving them by explaining the situation, and building a relationship of trust (that will often lead to referrals)?

The same question applies to your personal goals. Ultimately, you need other people to support you and make your goals possible. So what can you do for them? How can you improve their lives? You know what you’re good at. Share your talents for the betterment of others.

Like Zig Ziglar said, “If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”

In other words, give more attention to what you can do for others than on what they can do for you… and you will succeed.

Question #2 isn’t really a question, it’s a call to action. Getting results means getting people to take action. Like Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.” Getting a customer to pull the trigger can be a business owner’s worst nightmare. It’s all in how you ask, and whether you even ask! (You’d be surprised at how often people are too afraid to ask, even in business!) And again, this second question can be applied to your personal goals.

What ONE action do you want them to take? Do you want them to say “yes” to being on your email list? Ask them to subscribe! Do you want your customers to keep browsing your site or do you want them to purchase? Be direct! Ask for the sale!

In personal goals… the same “one action” applies. Do you want the company you’re interviewing with to hire you? Ask for the job – don’t say, “I hope to hear from you”! Do you want a raise? Ask for an immediate performance review! Do you need to juggle work, kids and training runs? Ask a friend for two hours of babysitting!

So take a look at one of your goals and write down one specific action that would help you move toward that goal. Then, whether you’re asking your customers or the people who will help you achieve a personal goal, ask for that one action. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. It’s that simple. And remember, in all of these scenarios, your primary focus should be on what you can do for them: showcase your abilities and enthusiasm to your prospective employer; demonstrate your contributions to your boss; offer to watch your friends’ kids.

Give, in order to receive – and know that you often have to ask, in order to receive!

Combine the two – “How can I help you?” with a call to action, and you have a winning combination that will result in success!


Inspired by Brad Isaac’s post on http://www.persistenceunlimited.com/

Manifesting, Cause and Effect

By Attitude, Blogpost, Goals

Goal achievement boils down to cause and effect. You do something and you get results.

Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding of the true nature of cause and effect. Manifesting – or taking your goal from idea to reality, is an art that is made more difficult because of this misunderstanding.

For example, when your goal is to have a cup of coffee, you don’t get up and make the coffee and then drink it. That may seem like obvious cause and effect, but it’s not. Boiling water and pouring it over ground coffee beans is not a cause. Your actions are actually effects of some cause, aren’t they? Let’s dig deeper into the real cause, the reason you got out of your chair and walked into the kitchen…

The real cause of any goal is a decision: “This is what I want.” If you hadn’t made the decision that you wanted to enjoy a hot, delicious cup of coffee, you never would have created the emotional impetus to get out of your comfortable chair and go through the process of making coffee.

So the first element of goals achieving is your decision: THIS IS WHAT I WANT.

Next (here’s where most people trip themselves up): let the emotional impetus (desire, or passion) compel you to take action. DO NOT worry about your goal. Don’t think about whether it’s possible, whether you’re worthy, etc. For example, if you want a cup of coffee and you make the decision that you want coffee. That leads to actions to make it happen… unless you start second-guessing yourself… I don’t know if I’m capable of measuring the right amount of coffee! I don’t know if I’m good enough to enjoy coffee! I don’t think it’s possible for me to make coffee without spilling the grounds all over the floor and then what would people think…

Don’t waste time thinking about whether your goal is possible before you make the decision to go for it. Chances are really, really good you’ll just talk yourself out of it and nothing will ever happen!

Want to accomplish something? SAY YES! You can’t be uncertain or wishy-washy. BE DECISIVE. Make the freakin’ decision, already! Say YES to what you want, with total certainty. Notice how people will literally flock to you to help you, when you project certainty. Think about it – would you help someone who says tentatively, “I’ll give it a go but I’m not sure it will work” or an enthusiastic “I’m creating (something).”

When you decide, when you make that declaration and you start the wheels in motion, miracles start to happen! Yes, miracles and synchronicities – unexpected and amazing ways that people, resources and situations come into your awareness at just the right time, to help you achieve your goal.

All because you made a decision. Cause. And then you took action… effect… and another action… effect… and so on until the final effect, which is your happiness at having achieved what you set out to do.


Inspired by Steve Pavlina’s blog: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/

Checkpoints for Motivation and Happiness

By Attitude, Blogpost, Goals

If you’re in a motivational slump, your business can suffer. Repetitive, same-old routines can cause you to lose motivation and cause you to passively sit by waiting for something to happen and improve. You might find yourself looking forward to distractions like weekends and holidays. This is deadly! After all, you were full of passion and hope when you started your business. What happened to that fire? How did it go from a roaring fire to a feeble flicker where you’re just going through the motions?

Even if your situation isn’t quite that drastic, you can benefit from implementing checkpoints, or rewards that keep you motivated when the day-to-day grind is getting you down.

Checkpoints are not milestones. Milestones are measurements of achievement. Checkpoints are just something to look forward to, some satisfying reward, that can keep you going when you’d rather quit.

When you reach a milestone, there is a lot of internal reward that comes from a feeling of satisfaction for a job well done. Checkpoints don’t rely on internal motivation. They are external motivators like tangible items. There’s nothing wrong with a little bribery to get yourself to do something you don’t want to do, or something you find dreadfully boring!

Checkpoints can include:
● an extra day off after a project is completed
● a thank-you event for your staff (it doesn’t have to be huge – a BBQ is a great way to say thanks!)
● a “surprise” performance bonus for you and your staff (of course you know about it, but they don’t and it’s such a pleasure to go above and beyond for them and surprise them with an unexpected gift!)

Spread your checkpoints out so that they are like carrots for you throughout the year. If your business is seasonal and you have a few months of down time where suddenly the tip of your pencil becomes the most fascinating object in the world… make some checkpoints! Give yourself a reward for organising the files; for catching up on paperwork; for updating your staff’s training… whatever needs to be done, do it and then reward yourself with a little extra.

Inspired by a post on http://www.pluginid.com/.

Focus on Growth Using the GROW Model

By Blogpost, Goals

The business world is dynamic, to say the least. Think back to how simple things were a century and a half ago: you could count on a traditional business model to work, and keep working, probably for as long as you owned your business. Not so much anymore.

Technology and the global marketplace are rendering old business models obsolete. And if you don’t keep up, you’ll be left behind.

To learn to focus on what is truly important in terms of where to focus your energies, use the GROW Model: a personal and professional development model. This way you can identify what you are doing right and expand on it – and what you are doing wrong, and modify it.

01 Focus on Growth2

G: Goal. What’s the objective? If you are a sole proprietor with no employees, you still have to be clear on what you want. And if you’ve got people to deal with, effectively communicating your goals will ensure that everyone is on board and working toward the same vision. Questions to ask: “What do I want?”

R: Reality. What’s the current situation? What contributed to this situation – or, how did we get here? This involves taking personal responsibility for everything that’s going on, good and bad (and if you have employees, they also have to understand the value of personal responsibility). Questions to ask: “The current situation is what it is. What did I (we) do right? What could I (we) have done differently to… (prevent this or move this forward)?”

O: Options. Don’t bother looking at options or solutions until you’ve identified the goal and the current situation. Questions to ask, once you’ve identified the goal and the current situation: “What can I (we) do differently starting right now? What would be the consequences of Action A or Action B?”

W: Way Forward. It’s decision time, followed immediately by action.

This model applies to all goals, both in your personal and business life:
● A goal of solving a problem
● Reaching a milestone
● Achieving your ultimate vision

The GROW Model helps you make changes in thinking, behaviours, systems and protocols. All of these changes will move your business in the right direction.

Inspired by Dr. Maynard Brusman’s blog on www.workingresourceblog.com

Build Your Business With Specific Goals

By Blogpost, Goals

“The most difficult thing about being a musician these days is not talent. It’s sustainability.”
–Robert Sirota, President, Manhattan School of Music

This great quote applies to more than just the music scene (or any other profession “it’s really hard to make a living at” such as photography or art). You can certainly make a fabulous living doing what you love – and that includes absolutely anything – but you have to marry your passions with some common horse sense and business savvy.

Blank freeway sign 1

Setting specific goals in business is essential. You can’t approach your business with a goal like “I am a successful…” or “I make $20,000 a month.” While those are great goals, they are not specific enough as commands to your brain. Your brain is much like a heat-seeking missile; it lasers in on anything you tell it to, and it will hunt relentlessly until it has found it.

Remember the last time you bought a car? You picked out the car you wanted, and suddenly you noticed it everywhere. That is no coincidence. You gave a command – “this is what I want” and almost magically, you started noticing that particular car, where you had barely noticed it before. It works the same way with business goals.

Here are some business-oriented goals that will take any passion from hobby to profession. Each of the following can be made into goals with a deadline – and they are the foundation of your business. Don’t neglect any of these even if you think it may not apply to your industry (somebody has to be the first… why not you?)

1. Learn about the industry, the market and your audience. Read about your business; find out everything you can about your competition; study up on the latest cutting edge trends and above all, learn about your audience (potential clients). You have a talent and a skill – and knowing how, where and to whom to present it to, is essential. Using the musician example, you may consider teaching in addition to performing – but you’ll have to learn how to teach (not everyone is a natural!).

2. Consider internships or apprenticeships to learn more about your craft; and if your industry doesn’t commonly offer these (as in the arts) then find someone to mentor you.

3. Find innovative ways to connect with audiences. No matter your niche, personal networking is GOLD. Be highly attuned to what people want, and you’ll notice opportunities that your more traditional competitors might miss. For example, a personal trainer might sponsor a local cycling club (traditional)… and through one of the members, get a lead on a bird-watching club – these are usually older folks (most people don’t associate bird watching with fitness)… and don’t overlook collaboration with people in industries that complement yours. Finding innovative ways to connect with new audiences means becoming tech-savvy. Are you? Remember to think in terms of global marketplace now. ANY industry can reach a wider audience if you’re creative about it.

4. Develop multiple streams of income. Going back to the musician example, if you limit yourself to performing and teaching in person, you won’t be as successful as you would if you blog, offer workshops or seminars; do workshops; create an online instructional series; write an e-book or two or twelve…

5. Become a leader. Anytime you offer workshops, seminars or find a way to engage the community, you become a leader. Great goals in this area include organising fundraising functions in your community. Get yourself out there; be noticed and be a leader!

6. Make it a goal to learn something new about your craft, constantly. You can never stay at the cutting edge if you don’t stretch yourself through learning. Don’t be yesterday’s news – stay fresh, stay interesting to your clientele, through constant self-improvement and learning.

So whatever your niche, make each of the above into specific goals that you build your business on. Most importantly is of course identifying what your audience wants (or thinks they want – you can influence this); and go about it with an intent to meet their needs.

Inspired by a post by Gerald Kickstein on www.musiciansway.com

How Setting Goals Can Get Away From You

By Blogpost, Goals

Goal-setting is a great thing when it comes to pointing your business in the right direction and motivating yourself to step outside your comfort zone to accomplish those goals. But, done improperly, goal-setting can become another form of procrastination.

It’s like spending your time planning, without actually doing any of the stuff you’ve planned out so carefully! That’s procrastination at its sneakiest! It sure looks like you’re doing something meaningful, but unless you take your plan from concept to action…

… you’re really not doing anything except thinking about what to think about next.

There’s a huge difference between setting goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks, planning the when and how’s… and actually doing something (because there’s always tomorrow, right?).

Goal-setting can be the thing that teaches you time management and productivity. Or, it can be the sneaky procrastination devil that makes you feel like you’re doing something worthwhile, when all you’re really doing is delaying the one thing that is going to get your goals accomplished. You know what it is. Action!


Ultimately, you have to be disciplined enough to take action on your master plan. That’s why it really is beneficial to break everything down into small steps that don’t overwhelm you and make taking action on goals something that you can fit into your daily routine. This is important. Doing anything new is uncomfortable, scary and even difficult. Any worthwhile goal is going to challenge you and force you to evolve into a better version of you.

So of course it’s more fun to plan it (and get all excited) than it is to DO it. Unless you’ve created a plan that makes it easy.

Let’s face it. Getting better at anything is hard! A good plan can make the process easier but only if you implement it.

I know. It sounds obvious! But still, you’re incorporating NEW actions into your day, and most of us resist that with the same level of anxious trepidation as making the appointment for the dentist… and so we spend vast amounts of time carefully crafting the perfect plan.

The best thing you can do is to work with a goals coach who will:

  1. Help you create a workable plan
  2. Hold you accountable

Your business can go from “okay” to “spectacular” if you take action on all of the things you are avoiding. A good plan will make those tasks easy. Even fun. And you’ll be on the road to achievement of your business dreams!

Inspired by a post by Merlin Mann at www.43folders.com

Are You Chasing Too Many Rabbits?

By Blogpost, Goals

When people are asked to list their top 10 or top 5 goals, it’s not uncommon to see a list of great, exciting goals, but they are not prioritized and so they remain wishes and dreams. With all of that marvelousness looming ahead, how do you choose? How do you decide which personal and business goals to fit into your life? While it’s really tempting to want it all, and to try to achieve multiple goals at once, you’ll have much better success if you only chase one rabbit at a time and if you make sure that rabbit is going in the same direction as your values.


Look at your goals list and see how each one of them fits into your life (because right now, as you are living your current life, is when you are designing and working on your future life). For each goal, ask: What is the driving force behind this goal? What fires you up about it? What makes it worth fitting into your life?

Adding goals (the act of bringing new things and experiences into your life) to a busy schedule means you have to be ruthless about choosing only goals that are meaningful – the ones imbued with a sense of urgency and need; the ones that make you come alive when you think about them; the ones that feel non-negotiable. Goals mean a redirect of time and energy that can’t go to something else so don’t waste your personal resources on minor goals.

Your greatest goals (the “must-haves”) are closely aligned with your values and priorities. How do you know what your values and priorities are? Look at your life. If you value time, you probably chose a career that allows you the maximum amount of leisure time (and/or time spent doing what you love). If you value money, you probably focus on investing, savings and you avoid excess consumerism. If you value relationships, you spend as much time and energy as you can on your loved ones. Of course in reality, life is a soup of compromises and sometimes seemingly opposing values; but in general, you are what you repeatedly do. Your values are clearly represented in your lifestyle and your choices.

How do your top 10 or top 5 goals fit into that scenario? You won’t. But by examining your goals to see how aligned they are with your values, you’ll quickly cull the herd. Are there goals that will immediately get the axe because they don’t fit in with your values? Hopefully so! That will help narrow your focus to the one that mean the most to you. The rabbit that’s most worth the chase.

Inspired by Jill Koenig’s blog on www.goalguru.com

Making YOUR goals unique

By Attitude, Blogpost, Goals


Unique You, Unique Goals

Have you ever compared your goals to the goals of other people? Have you judged yours based on theirs? Well, don’t. Sure, use people’s goals to inspire you, but don’t compare your goals, or your results. Everyone has a unique path in life. Don’t beat yourself up if your goals aren’t as grand as your sister’s; or as cool as your brother’s. I know it might seem obvious to not compare yourself to others, but people often have a slightly over-developed competitive streak that comes from their own insecurity, so they have to prove themselves against others. If their best friend achieves X, they have to achieve Y – or be resentful forever if they can’t. Even a more subtle variant of this kind of competition – comparing yourself to others – can be detrimental to your goals.

First, you are not them. They are not you. Focus on your goals and don’t worry about theirs. You have talents and abilities that your friends and family, your colleagues and heroes, do not have. If you take two people and they are going for the exact same goal, even if they reach the same result, their stamp on it will be different. The end result is the icing on the cake. The real magic happens along the way, when you make your goals YOURS. You give your efforts a certain “you-ness” that no one else possesses.

Second, maybe your ultimate benefits will be far higher than theirs, even if their result is “better.” You could be going for the same goal as someone more “able” than you – but says who? Maybe you are more determined. Maybe you are more creative. Maybe you will find a better solution… maybe this goal will stretch you much further than it stretches the other person, and as a result, you get more personal satisfaction and growth out of it. Goals are there to get you to grow and to satisfy some inner need. Don’t base your goal on being better than someone else – because there will always be someone who is better than YOU. Maybe not today, maybe not for years – but ultimately, someone will best your achievements, and you will be crushed.

Two people with the same goal will end up with different ripple effects. Maybe you both have the same goal, but its achievement will impact a different group of people – which is great! Always remember, for every talent, there is an audience. So be brave. Forge your own way. Get to your goal the best way you can – not by following in someone’s footsteps, but by taking inspiration from others’ achievements and making your own path. You may improve on what they’ve done, and set the stage for even greater accomplishments for people who follow YOU.

If you compare yourself against other people’s achievements, you’re bound to get discouraged. So use their accomplishments to fuel your fire. Don’t compete against others (the great skier Hermann Maier admitted that his biggest mistake whenever he skied badly was that he was trying to win against his competitors instead trying to achieve a personal best). So don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. They may be having a “Superman” kind of day, and you may be dragging… Compete against yourself, using others’ accomplishments as “carrots.” This kind of competition is healthy. The kind where “you must lose so that I can win” is unhealthy.

Always push yourself, against yourself. Compete against the part of you that wants to quit; that wants to settle for the easy way; against the part of you that is afraid and lacks confidence. You already have the tools within you to make it happen – you just have to have the confidence to take those tools out of the toolbox and use them.

Inspired by Anilia’s blogs on www.motivatedsista.com



Organize your own Mastermind Groups

By Blogpost, Goals


Would you like to organize your own Mastermind Group or tribe?

Do you already organize groups of people – but would like to do it online?

Exciting news…..

Goalstribe has just launched a new feature where it allows you to organize groups (tribes) of people online.

Running a sales team?

Social groups?

On the road teams?

Coaches, Trainers, Expert in an industry?

Now you can use the Goalstribe platform to meet your groups, via our video conferencing platform…

  • Stay connected to your group
  • One focal communication point
  • Like-minded group working together under your guidance

We have opened our platform for the first 50 organizers for only $10 per month. Which will allow you to organize three different types of tribes.

Check out the video on how easy it actually is to organize a tribe

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgrHJXxW5G4?wmode=transparent]

For more info drop us a line at james@goalstribe.com