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This Year Does Not Matter

By Attitude, Blogpost

Oh now hold on, I’m not saying that you get to shelve all of your goals this year and kick back and drink beer instead of creating business and personal success!

What I mean is, why wait until the New Year to start on your goals? Have you ever thought about that? Why do people wait until New Year’s Day to start losing weight, or start saving for a downpayment on their dream home?

Waiting until some “magical” time – like January 1, 20whatever – is going to move you toward your goals at precisely 0 miles or kilometers per hour.

Time waits for nobody. Just because the new year has already started, don’t give yourself the “out” of saying, “I just don’t have enough time this year to get this goal accomplished before December 31st.”

That’s a terrible excuse!

Every day you wait, you delay the accomplishment of your dreams. Just start, already!! It doesn’t matter if you have 10 months left in the year or 10 minutes left in the calendar year, because the calendar year has no relevance.

If you want your goal achieved in 365 days, start now! Otherwise, if it’s the end of September and you don’t start ‘til January, you will have to add three months to your date of achievement (from today).

So why not start right now?

The year is just a made up construct of human beings to help us measure time. It has absolutely zilch to do with goals, except that we love things to be tidy and somehow, beginning on January 1 feels right. Well, so does beginning on April 13, May 29 and August 4.

So when you set a goal to achieve something in one year, make it “one year from today” – not December 31. Doing it according to the calendar year just causes unnecessary stress. It puts too much pressure on you to the point you will either freak out and drop the goal altogether, or rush through the necessary tasks and completely miss out on the joy of the process.

Don’t wait for the time to be right. Make today the first day of your “project year” and start working on it. Now. Not next January 1.


Inspired by Anilia’s post on http://www.motivatedsista.com/
Photo Credit: Natural Height Growth

What Doesn’t Stress You Won’t Make You Stronger

By Blogpost, challenges

The strength of the human body is governed by something called the Principle of Progressive Resistance.

That is, the more demand you place on the body (progressively longer and more intense workouts) the more the muscles will respond and strengthen. More demand, more resulting strength. If you want to strengthen your muscles, you must stress them.

Remove the stress (the challenge) and muscles weaken.

The same applies to any area of your life. You need to be challenged, stressed, put to the test, if you’re going to see any improvement.


Any sort of challenge forces you to adapt, grow, evaluate and learn. It tests your commitment, perseverance, willpower and your character. It’s an in-your-face reminder not to stay comfortably cocooned in your comfort zone.

Nobody’s finest hour ever came when they were comfortable. It came in times of adversity, often very difficult circumstances. You can’t rise to your highest potential without being pushed to your limits. Otherwise, silly little things remain as “limits.” You have to push through them and go a step higher… and another step higher… and so on until you’ve achieved your goal.

Don’t worry if challenges seem overwhelming. Just take them on one step at a time.

Keep going until you’ve reached your goal. Then… set a new goal. A new set of challenges.

Without challenges, your life stagnates. It becomes boring and you WILL suffer from regret of not having tried, or not having gotten up when you’ve been knocked down.

Think back to some challenges you overcame last year and how you benefited from them. Or… if those challenges pushed you backward, isn’t it time to re-evaluate the situation, look at it from a different perspective, and try again using different methods?

Add some spice to your business goals by making them just a little more challenging than you’re comfortable with. That’s the only way you will grow your business beyond the constraints of “what is” right now.


Inspired by a post at:


Don’t let analysis paralysis stop you from achieving your goals

By Blogpost, Success


Did you achieve everything you wanted in the last 12 months?

– did you achieve your business goals?
– did you achieve your personal goals?
– did your net worth grow or shrink?
– did you have more free time?
– did you spend more time with family and friends?
– did you take good care of your body, mind and soul?
– was there an improvement or a decline in your quality of life?

Now is the time to honestly answer these questions. Take the time to reflect on your past achievements and struggles. What can you learn right now, before you take action on this year’s plans? For each answer, ask yourself…

– what did I do right?
– what did I do wrong?

(It’s important to ask “what did I do wrong” even when you succeeded, because there is always room for improvement)

For the areas which saw no improvement or even a decline, ask yourself,

– what did you KNOW you should have done but did not do?
– WHY?

Waiting for the “perfect time” to take action is a terrible way to let a year go by: “I can’t take action now because… stars-aren’t-aligned, I don’t have enough time/money/skills, I won’t do it right…” all that does is NOTHING.

Don’t let perfection be your enemy. Don’t be scared to do the wrong thing. Make a plan of action and DO first. Apologize later if you must, because some of the directions you choose will be nothing more than helpful lessons.

Just don’t throw the year away waiting for “permission” from yourself to take action. Learn from the past, improve on it with a better plan of action.

Put one foot in front of the other. Repeat as needed.


Inspired by vlogs at:
