
Life is all about facing challenges. Each challenge that we overcome contributes to our growth and adds to our experience to better handle the next difficult situation. This accumulated experience allows us to better plan for the future. But as we all know, even with the best laid out plans, it can still fall apart. Life just has a knack for blindsiding us and the only thing that we can do is to roll with the punches. We have to embrace the fact that not everything will go our way and we just have to deal with the stress that comes with it. The question is, how do we deal with that stress?


Challenges and failures are staples in life. With failure comes stress, but that does not mean that there is nothing we can do about it. There is always something that can be done. Even if there are many things in life that we cannot control, stress is not one of them. It can be managed by maintaining a positive mindset. This is what separates successful individuals from the rest. It is the ability to see a negative and stressful situation and reframe it into a positive one. Having this ability allows you to quickly move on from that situation to get you even closer to your goal. So the next question is, how do you maintain that positive mindset?


Use Positive Language


During stressful situations, use positive language when talking to the people around you or even when talking to yourself. This is one way of reframing a negative situation into a positive one. So instead of using the word “problem”, go for the word “ challenge” or “situation” instead. The even is the same but just by replacing the words, it sounds and looks like a different scenario. A more positive one which is less stressful.


Start A Journal


There is so much to be grateful in life. Life is awesome even if it tends to challenge you from time to time. Why not start a journal and write down the things that you are grateful to have? You can do it on a daily basis and just write down one to three things that you are thankful for that particular day. This is about training your mind to focus on the positive things. It only takes one small positive event or thing to relieve stress and get it under control.


Have Something To Look Forward To


Having something to look forward to can really boost your morale and help you stay positive. It can be anything from a really nice dinner after work to a long vacation. You can also think of it as rewarding yourself for a job well done. Any silver lining in a stressful situation can help you maintain that positive mindset.